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Aren Whitestorm

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Status Updates posted by Aren Whitestorm

    1. Kaiser


      AERIAL'S ****

      This reminds me of the big cave by the Vale I nicknamed "Iblee's Butt Crack"

    1. gingernut97


      Been getting this a lot also, vision is constantly being blocked.

    2. Korvic


      Are there floating upside-down chests in the sky? < . >

  1. I just teared up after that...
  2. I think it's one helluva song.
  3. Huh. Feels weird logging onto this after...about four years I think? What's up with this place now?

  4. (He/she may not use his/her magical capabilities in all of these.) - I'm confused by this part of explaining ORQ for MA.

  5. @Kal Noo, THIS is first picture from the Curiosity on Mars: http://bit.ly/O1DWP2

  6. 1740 profile views? I'm not that famous. O_o

    1. SpiritSpectre


      2513 And can say that most of the people on this server dont know me :P

  7. 3:37am, sky on horizon is getting bright, can't sleep.

  8. Aaaaand still I can't breed animals...That's just plain annoying.

    1. shiftnative


      Depending on the region, it may have mob-spawning turned off. This keeps hostile creatures out of the region but also disables breeding - You'll need to talk to the land owner OOCly about getting a GM to change it, if they so wish

    2. shiftnative


      Depending on the region, it may have mob-spawning turned off. This keeps hostile creatures out of the region but also disables breeding - You'll need to talk to the land owner OOCly about getting a GM to change it, if they so wish

  9. All the diamonds....It's sad to see some people trying to revive dead economy.

    1. Skippy


      Diamonds are stupid. I prefer RP. ;P

    2. Neutonic


      tbh we need a diamond wipe after the glitch was a bused and the ones that were spawned in

  10. Allen, clean up your inbox, can't send messages.

  11. Alot seemed to happen in Karik. What happened?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aryon


      Aka: Neko happened.

    3. 0000


      Aka: Epicness happened.

    4. Sykogenic


      Aka: Caved in, Robbed and trolled

  12. Anyone else's mods got messed up by the new launcher?

  13. Anyone knows if Mojang tweeted anything about the downtime?

    1. Cappy



      "Leonard Axelsson ‏@xlson

      Still working on logins, will get it working asap."

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