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Aren Whitestorm

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Status Updates posted by Aren Whitestorm

  1. Hmm...Do coconuts migrate?

    1. 0000


      Yes, as they are evolved from the swallow.

  2. Just came back from watching Men In Black 3, darn shweet.

  3. Just came back from watching Men In Black 3, darn shweet.

  4. I'm aware that Gaius is popular, but is there really need to -1 the ban report?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      You should have seen my ban reports, I've been -1 trolled like crazy for months and no one has cared but auvreaeath.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Yeah true, I think the -1 should be removed.

    4. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      In general, I think rep should be removed.

  5. I logged in...But it appears the server is down. D:

  6. Anyone knows if Mojang tweeted anything about the downtime?

    1. Cappy



      "Leonard Axelsson ‏@xlson

      Still working on logins, will get it working asap."

  7. Eh...LOTC could do some new updates.

  8. Damn it, MC.net is down just as I woke up early to play with some people.

    1. steelersfan1221


      And I stayed up late for people. Stupid ol' Jeb.

    2. Niedster


      Jeb's too busy celebrating his birthday to worry about his player base. -_-

  9. What's the command to check when someone was online last?

  10. All the diamonds....It's sad to see some people trying to revive dead economy.

    1. Skippy


      Diamonds are stupid. I prefer RP. ;P

    2. Neutonic


      tbh we need a diamond wipe after the glitch was a bused and the ones that were spawned in

  11. Was just voting when I noticed MorePlayerModels 1.0 on plugins list...What?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thrym


      There is a multiplayer plugin that lets other players see things like sitting (I think...)

    3. Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Is there a topic on this somewhere? Im all for using client side mods to make LotC better :)

    4. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      It allows you to see people sit. Without it, you can't

  12. Things seem a tad empty, when you cannot play LOTC.

  13. Seems another person have quit because of soulstone void fal. Lost all their savings.....*sighs*.

    1. Neri


      If you quit because you lose items, then you don't understand what the server is about.

    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Freya, do you think I'm so low to leave because of items?


      If peopel think so about me, I need to do something...

  14. HoN can be really nerve-wracking and making people wish to cry. T_T

    1. Ever


      MOBAs are brutal.

    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Yeah...They make me lose hope in humanity at times.

  15. 1740 profile views? I'm not that famous. O_o

    1. SpiritSpectre


      2513 And can say that most of the people on this server dont know me :P

  16. What ifd GM makes a modreq, then goes to check it, but since he needs himself, he boes back in time to himself before he was making that modreq, so he can fulfill it? But since the modreq was completed, there was no need to place it, so no need to go back in time.....F**k time loops and paradoxes

  17. Made a VA, if you know me, reference if needed please.

    1. Religious_Pie


      I made it for my 1000th post :3

  18. Heh, it can be found in one of the bars in ME2, during Thane's Loyalty Mission.

  19. Alot seemed to happen in Karik. What happened?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aryon


      Aka: Neko happened.

    3. 0000


      Aka: Epicness happened.

    4. Sykogenic


      Aka: Caved in, Robbed and trolled

  20. So sad that so often online forum members are often several times bigger in numbers that the ones online on the server...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arashiha


      ^what they said

    3. 0000


      It's easier to access forums rather than the actual server too

    4. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      I know, but still. Average forum activity is MUCH higher than the server's.

  21. Remade to my 2nd Villain App. If you recommended me before, could you do it again?

  22. Just completed my VA. If you know me, take a moment to stop, and write something up.

    1. Cossair


      -feels smug cause he knows the reason for the VA, and no-one else does-

  23. Listening to MJ's Greatest Hits, like a bau5.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Good sir, you seem to not understand the customs of the musical awe speech.

    3. Wobbajack
    4. Daniel


      no Micheal Jackson :9

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