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Status Updates posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. KFC does not agree with my stomach tonight..

    1. Praetor


      KFC saved my butt more time than I could count.

    2. Akorta


      o.o at SpamShok.

    3. Akorta


      o.o at SpamShok.

  2. Server goes down... get into my mums car, drive to KFC, realise KFC lack alot of spicyness,,,,,

  3. Looking for VAT members to respond to this; Is kidnapping without a VA bannable?

    1. LuigiNova


      I think it 'should' be, but I maybe wrong. I would say a warning though :P

    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Kidnapping without a VA is against the rules/breaking the rules.

  4. I try to log on to LotC and when I do it says "Failed to Login: Bad Login" what does this mean?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Respiren


      It's one of notch's very informative error messages - I usually get it when mc.net is down.

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      Just restarted minecraft, back on my favourite server.

    4. Danny


      Talf, the wind wasn't THAT bad... It was worse. *nods*

  5. What a drama, glad I got that guy banned. *phew*

  6. You voice an idea and suddenly everybody seems to flame!

    1. KarmaDelta


      Its not flaming. Its just voiced opinion. :P Dont take it seriously Talf. We are jut giving our sides on what other people think of it. No hate from me.

    2. Aislin


      That's stupid and you suck and I'm awesome.


  7. Great Trailer, Alethion :D

    1. Serah


      :O Is it a six-wheeler?

  8. just downloading SWTOR like a bawsss!

  9. Oh Galaharian Black screen.

  10. Polcari died... is Now a Dwarf

  11. Why is Oren claiming Braxis or Tarus King? Gaius is still King.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      Because no matter who's king someone will want someone different... It's called stupidity

    3. Praetor


      Thats because no matters whos king there always someone else who wants to be king too :d

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I have to wait for EzekialTarus, but me and him are announcing a very groundbreaking development for the Human Kingdom. In terms of 'voting our King', it goes to show how sloppy the Human Kingdom was

      I wanted to fix that, because I am a Lore Developer, I think I actually frightened people with the intelligence I exuded in my RP, but I do not know.

  12. after getting back on it crashed. again. =[


  14. darn you server!

    1. M_I_T_C_H


      i know its down again it sucks

  15. Ahh scottish music I feel at home :D

  16. Server crashed when it just got restarted

    1. calculusdesola


      Looks like it came back up just now

    2. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      and back down again

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