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Posts posted by Temporal





    ⊹ 新年快乐 ⊹


    A Celebration of the Future


    Published: 6th of Snow's Maiden, Year 111 of the Second Age




    The Principality of Celia’nor wishes for all of its citizens to feel welcome, including the Li-Ren and Oyashiman peoples that reside within our lands and have thus offered to host this festival as an exchange of culture. Its purpose - allow all of the citizens within Celia’nor the opportunity to experience a culture that is different from their own.






    Xīn nián kuài lè | Sun nin fai lok






    The Lunar New Year is a significant and ancient holiday that has been celebrated in Ai-Zho for thousands of years. It marks the start of a new lunar year and is based on the lunar calendar, which follows the cycles of the moon, and is usually celebrated for 15 days. 


    The origins of the Lunar New Year can be traced back to the First Era where it was celebrated as the beginning of the agricultural year. It was a time to give thanks for the harvest and to pray for a good yield in crops for the coming year. Over time, the celebration evolved to include worship and offerings made to our ancestors.



    The celebration of the Lunar New Year includes various customs and traditions, such as cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck, decorating with red lanterns and banners, and giving red envelopes filled with money to children. There are also parades with lion and dragon dances, fireworks, and family gatherings.





    [!] The Lunar New Year is celebrated traditionally in Ai-Zho.


    The Lunar New Year is considered the most important and longest holiday of the year in Ai-Zho. It is a time for families to come together, to celebrate, to give thanks and to wish for good fortune, health and prosperity in the coming year. The cultural significance of Lunar New Year is deeply rooted in Li-Ren culture and history and continues to be celebrated with enthusiasm and joy by Li-Ren people around the world.





    The Year of the Rabbit is one of the 12-year cycles of animals that appear in the Li-Ren zodiac related to the Lunar calendar. The Year of the Rabbit is associated with the earthly branch symbol 卯.


    The Rabbit is the fourth animal in the Li-Ren zodiac and is known for its grace, compassion, elegance, and calm demeanor. It is associated with diplomacy, tact, and subtlety characteristics, making it a natural peace-maker. People born under the sign of the Rabbit are said to be sensitive, kind-hearted, and intelligent. They are also known for their good luck and prosperity, symbolizing wealth and abundance. 


    In traditional Li-Ren art, the Rabbit is often depicted alongside the Moon, a symbol of purity and tranquility. The Rabbit is also seen as a symbol of longevity and good health, making it an important symbol in Li-Ren culture.









    I T I N E R A R Y


    As the drums begin to pound and the cymbals crash, a sense of excitement fills the air - a group of performers dressed in brightly colored dragon costumes will make their way through the streets. Join in the dance; costumes will be provided for all who wish to participate! We dance throughout Celianor with a glistening dragon, weaving through the streets as it almost comes alive!

    • This event will begin in the square and travel around Fi’Andria at 7:30 PM EST.



    During the night, families and friends will gather beneath the night’s soothing darkness as the aroma of savory dishes fills the air. The laughter and chatter can be heard as family and friends gather for the reunion feast. The long table will be filled with an abundance of food, each dish carefully prepared to symbolize good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

    • This event will continue at the Celia'Nor Festival Grounds around 8 P.M. EST.



    As the darkness falls on the Lunar New Year, the sky will be lit with a dazzling display of fireworks. The explosions of color will fill the night sky, each one more vibrant and spectacular than the last. The fireworks shall echo through the streets, adding to the festive atmosphere. As the fireworks end, lanterns of all shapes and sizes are released into the sky, floating gracefully up into the night sky, creating a magical and ethereal scene.

    • This event will continue at the Celia'Nor Festival Grounds around 8 P.M. EST.





    We welcome you to join us at 19:00 on The First Seed of the 111th year of the Second Age.



    [[OOC: JANUARY 20st, 7 PM EST]]



    Gōng xǐ fā cái (恭喜发财),





    Takai Eiji




    Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Virar of Celia’nor, Lady of Eld Roth, Laurir Kaliri, Lady of Festivities and Court Painter of Celia’nor.





    Evarir Veralya Wynasul, and their Talonii @Amuletic

    Evarir Aurelius Haelimah, and their Talonii 

    Virar Thalon Nullivari, and their Talonii @_Sug

    Virar Serigne Py’lrie, and their Talonii @Allien

    Virar Theoden Akaln’riv, and their Talonii @FredrickTeufel

    Virar Aestenia Aevaris and their Talonii  @lillyeveans

    Laurir Ante’ahern Athri'onn and their Talonii  @Air

    Laurir Senna Cerusil and their Talonii @Sailor

    Lauririi Raziel Amethil @Laeonathan

    Lauririi Aearion Tawarenion @Smol

    Noron Kraal Dralguna and their Talonii @KILL_MAPS








    Tianrui Host Club


    ⊹ 天瑞会館 ⊹


    OOC : EPILEPSY WARNING. Open the spoilers at your own risk.


    Welcome to the Tianrui  Kaikan~

    No matter the day or hour, you can find us at our club in the heart of Yong Ping. 


    With members from all over the world, we have a unique and varied gathering every night. 


    We offer private rooms for friendly conversation as well as large tables where patrons may enjoy lively conversations with many other guests. Our chefs prepare exquisite dishes using only the freshest ingredients. A variety of wines and spirits are available. 


    If you don't see what you're looking for on the menu, feel free to ask your waitress—we will do everything we can to make sure that you leave satisfied.


    We hope you'll join us soon!


    (Address: Tianrui 28)


    ❖ ☯ ❖


    Just Imagine.


    A number of people gathered around the host club's entrance were being led into the building by a group of girls wearing maid costumes. 


    The club was located in a very conspicuous spot down a street bustling with pedestrians. It had a signboard bearing its name and address, which could easily be seen from across the road. The girls guiding the customers to their seats all wore long aprons, so they were obviously members of the staff.


    As the last customer went inside, the door was closed and locked behind him. The butlers and maids took off their aprons and put them away in a cabinet before appearing in several pairs of kimonos. 




    taste the rainbow



    One pair took one of the large tatami mats on the floor, while another pair brought out two small teacups and placed them on the table. These teacups looked like miniature versions of the ones used during a tea ceremony. They had been carefully polished until they sparkled.


    Then, without any further ado, the butler poured the first cup of green tea. He then handed it to the guest on a bamboo tray.


    "Please drink," he said, bowing slightly. The courteous butler would dip their head in an exquisite fashion as they waited for the customer to partake in the refreshing cup of tea.







    The customer raised their head and smiled, drinking the liquid that was such a vital part of Oyashiman and Li-ren culture. 


    As the liquid filled their mouth and slid down their throat, they felt a sense of relief wash over them. In addition to the taste, there was a certain pleasure derived from the ritual itself. This was especially true for those who had never experienced it before. 


    The guest would often look about with a blissful expression on their face.


    The guests were seated in a room decorated in a traditional Oyashiman style, complete with low tables and teacups. All of the walls were covered in paper scrolls. 


    A single lamp hung from the ceiling. Each wall was lined with shelves containing numerous bottles and jars of various shapes and sizes. There was even a large mirror hanging next to the teapot.


    The staff quietly left the room after taking care of the guests' needs. Meanwhile, the other maids began preparing for the evening's entertainment. They set out small wooden plates of sweet red bean paste, plum jam, and pickles. Then they arranged some fresh fish, vegetables, and rice balls in front of each guest.


    They also prepared a large bowl of miso soup. 






    When the guests were finished eating, they'd take the bowls back to the kitchen. Then, when the next round of visitors arrived, the maids would return with clean cups and serve the soup. 


    The richness and texture of miso soup was perfect for serving as a light meal.


    After leaving the room, a masked individual stands draped in moonlight—wearing an omote (Noh mask) as they expertly pluck the strings of the shimasen, an instrument made up of three sets of strings. 




    woah. creepy.



    The sound it makes is soft and gentle, yet powerful enough to fill the room. In this way, the shimasen works to heighten the mood of the audience.


    Fog would seep into the teahouse from outside, as if the moonlight was slowly pouring through the window and enveloping the audience. The faint light gradually fades with the end of the song as the chill replaces the warm atmosphere and welcome.





    In the dimness, the stage seemed to glow. On it sits a man with tanned skin and brown hair. His eyes are partially hidden by the ornate fan open in front of him. He wears a beautiful sakura flower brooch as a hair ornament and holds a fan in one hand.


    His voice is rich and pure like the waves of the sea—a slight rumble or tremor as the sea’s bubbling depths. It carries far beyond the confines of the teahouse, penetrating the minds of the audience, soothing them, and gently washing away their worries. He welcomes you to the Tianrui Host Club (天瑞会館) [Tianrui Kaikan] with these words:


    "Good evening, everyone.


     I am Kin, the founder of our host club.


     My specialty is the tea ceremony, which I learned directly from my mentor, the esteemed lord of the house, Tianrui Ren-san. May we of the Jade State of Yong Ping Welcome You to the Tianrui Host Club!"

    The event will be on The Grand Harvest at the 16th of Snow’s Maiden.


    ((OOC: MARCH 12, 7 PM EST))


    With your sweet magic ways,




    Takai Eiji



    ❖ ☯ ❖

    [ OOC : Takai Eiji was VERY VERY drunk in the making of this advertisement and cannot be held accountable for his actions. Disclaimer: I like vaporwave.]

  3. As Takai Eiji would receive the post within Yong Ping, his hands would tremble as the letter fell towards the ground. He would instantly reach down to try to pick up the letter amongst the emptied bottles littering the ground. It would seem that he was not in a well state of mind, but rather a self-destructive and dangerous mind set. His attempt to retrieve the letter knocks some of the bottles to roll across the inn's wooden floors as some of the wine that was still within, spilled across the letter—drenching it. He only read that his friend has died and that it was a shame he didn't visit Yong Ping. The wine soaked the message into an unreadable pulp—the elf would stare upon the message for a long moment before climbing back into his chair in an unorganized heap clinging some of the bottles across the floor from the disappearance and perhaps death of his other friend. He would mutter something about Talons, Daibhidh, and Whiskey—a snippet of the past he would return to as his eyes close into a numb slumber—because reality and the bleak future before him was harder to face with the absence of his dearest friends. Perhaps, in his dreams, he can revisit the precious moments without having to accept the reality before him.

  4. Duifu Takai Eiji would nod stoically in approval at the well-written and refined handbook of the Yong Ping Army. "Duhu Tianrui Ryu-sama, this is quite the overhaul. I hope that this will bring more prosperity and safety upon our city.He would place the handbook within the shelves of his home, sighing in weariness as he would glance slowly at the handbook, toward his newly adopted infant, and then towards the uniforms as they stood in comparison side by side.


    One was marked with wear, though it once was colorful—the hues have long faded and the metal rusted. The other was new: intimidating metal with a full helm, a face of stone—impassiveness when handing down punishments and orders. It was during these trying times when he juggled between his responsibilities throughout the Jade State and his personal life. It was a hard choice, he would think as he looked upon the discarded child that once lie upon the wooden floor of the Yujin Monastery. He would take up the spear, once again, for his countrymen.

  5. Aika Ambrose Murata's fist would clench the missive with a fierce look, passionately resonating with the message against hatred and intolerance inscribed in it. Her eyes were filled with rage that could not be held back any longer as she read through the letter once more. The paper was then smoothed out on her desk before Aika took up an ink brush to write down what had been written there. With her bold strokes, which seemed almost like they'd break if touched by someone else─the young girl wrote down each word of the letter one after another—translating the message in Oyashiman as well.


    She quietly folded the parchment into thirds and placed it inside of its envelope. Then she sealed both with red wax, leaving only the address untouched so that no other hand but her recipient might touch them. When finished, she stood up from her seat, walked over to the window facing east, and opened it wide, a charming little bird fluttering about outside. One could hear the sound of wind blowing past this way and that throughout the room. This day, however, was windless, though it was still springtime at present. The bird perched upon the windowsill as she tied the message delicately with a red ribbon—the color of blood, of passion, of love lost─together with a single flower visible behind her. After returning to her chair, she sat down and waited for the bird to complete its delivery.


    ≿————- ❈ ————-≾




    We are all people.


    For example, we cannot deny the fact that people who do not fit the standard definition of 'people' have existed since time immemorial─and will continue to exist even further into the future. Therefore, to ignore those individuals because their bodies differ from ours does a great disservice to sentient beings themselves. We should understand our own lives without bias toward race, sex, class, creed, etc., just as we accept everyone around us as equals regardless of these things... As long as beings live, there is always something new to learn, and we must never stop learning.


    ...That is why I believe there can be nothing greater than tolerance. To tolerate others means accepting them as equal and worthy of respect. Furthermore, tolerance goes beyond mere acceptance. It requires understanding. If you truly wish to forgive anyone, then you must know everything about them first. That is why I say that tolerance begins with knowledge...


    It may seem obvious that the same applies to oneself. But consider how often people confuse themselves with God or some kind of universal essence. In reality, we're merely products of the world, and thus simply animals in search of survival─we possess neither divinity nor omnipotence, yet we persist in treating ourselves differently from every living thing, including plants, insects, fish, birds, etc. People treat life forms that lack consciousness as objects rather than fellow creatures. Because of this, we've forgotten a fundamental truth─that we are all part of nature, sharing many commonalities with flora and fauna alike. And most importantly, we forget that, unlike them, we too share the burden of death─just like flowers wilt when the sun sets, we die someday. By denying this, we become monsters among beasts, monstrously cruel towards each other. Thus, I believe that it is necessary to remember that we're also subject to death. Only then shall we realize that we needn't fear anything, whether it's the dark night sky or the darkness that lies deep inside of ourselves.


    And finally, my last point.


    I am aware that this has already gone far beyond the scope of your lessons," she continued, "but let me explain in full detail anyway. There exists nothing more terrifying than ignorance, and no form of society is immune to it. However, despite being ignorant, I'm sure you see now where this leads─for instance, in the case of racism and sexism. People use terms such as 'race', 'sex', and 'gender' as tools to divide and rule. They don't really think about what they mean, but instead act according to their ingrained prejudices. These words aren't used carelessly, but deliberately. First, they define the group of the 'others'. Next, they categorize them based on superficial physical characteristics, stereotypes, preconceptions, etc. Lastly─they label them as inferior or superior to the majority. All three steps require an element of self-deception. Once you reach the final step, it becomes impossible to return to the beginning and start anew. Each individual carries a mountain of accumulated prejudice with them─everyone is born carrying it, just like the weight of one's lungs. Even if someone wants to change their mind, they won't be able to unless they understand the 'other' completely. In other words, to overcome racial, sexist, and homophobic attitudes, one needs to understand one's own heart first─to understand the meaning of the very words one uses to discriminate. For that reason, I believe that education alone isn't enough. You must experience real-world examples to help you comprehend. Not just study books, but to go out into the world and observe firsthand the countless ways in which these ideas manifest themselves. Otherwise, you'll remain blind─even if you try to open your eyes, it will feel like only half of them are working. Which brings me to the conclusion of my letter.


    First, I will absolutely applaud how brave you are to write this notice. Secondly, I hope that in the near future you will find yourself standing alongside me. Finally, allow me to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to read your words here today.




    Aika Ambrose Murata.


  6. w1KfVXQad3_Gfws66rIeLCPO1Ha6tYtXFgwisC71HXClVhi7mrnnsH4xtweDAONa5t7SU7VYGU0oXV81zPrb01HqumOaVmA4lL_BgO8iZkG9P5o8NtyoFY7SgTKMwMUkEBzEUuaG=s0

    Case 1: The Freshly Picked Liver of Zi Ji

    Tsumitateta Kanzo





    Kop van een skelet met brandende sigaret, Vincent van Gogh, 1886




    Location: Zi Ji 3, YONG PING

    Reported Written by Duifu Eiji Takai, Kanshou Tianrui Karla, Auxiliary Tianrui Ren, and Pathologist Kiriha







    [!] Kanshou Tianrui Carla submits a report. 


    "On a patrol of the city with myself & Kin, a goat was discovered in front of the Teahouse. It's fur was drenched in blood, yet other than that it was unharmed, and there was also small puddles of blood about the area. All of said blood was cleaned, the goat given a bath, and placed in a safe location. The cause of the blood is at the moment unknown.”


    "During the continuation of the previously mentioned patrol, with merely myself this time, I followed a trail of blood and discovered what appears to be a half-eaten organ atop the hot spring area within the city. And soon after I found an untouched meal upon a table with splattered blood on it. I am unsure if this is related to the bloody goat but I think it would be safe to assume so."










    [!] Auxiliary Tianrui Ren submits a report. 

    "On following up the investigation with Kanshou Tianrui Carla, we discovered the blood trail leading to a body in Zi Ji 3. The body bears sign of extreme mutilation with blood soaking the surrounding ground, full autopsy to follow."


    Body of a Courtesan in Nine Stages by Kusôzu


    [!] You see a desecrated corpse. Dried blood is left near the two entrances and as you approach you observe the murky, viscous liquid of blood pouring from the corpse. Within its midsection, you can tell that some organ or organs were taken out from the corpse due to the hole that it left. Clearly, the victim was killed from the shock of the violence it received as well as the blood loss. If you look closer, you may see something else that may or may not tell you what happened to this poor victim.




    Autopsy Transcript by Kiriha, Pathologist


    Kiriha: “Anyway,” he nods. “Knife blades tend to leave vere clean cuts.” He points at the gashes along the boys chest and arms, though rather covered with salt. “Claw marks tend to leave ragged gashes.”


    “Seence they aren't sharp so much as poentee and have force behind them. Yet, here.”


    Kiriha: “I would theenk so too, but look at thes.” He points to the hepatic artery, and the cystic duct. “You see how clean and precise thees cuts are?”


    Kiriha: “Animals do not do that.”


    Kiriha: “...you know ov anytheeng perhaps that could cause such wounds, or would, perhaps, target ve leever speceefecally?” He pauses. “Oh! And, and!


    Kiriha points to the arms. He seems… weirdly exited about all this. “Look at theese pierceeng marks! Ve claws were theen enough to stab weeth.”


    Kiriha: “Yes, ets been decomposeeng for a few days by ve look of theengs.”


    Kiriha: “Ets not human! No descendant does thees! Ets completely deeferent!”


    Tianrui Carla: “I'm wondering exactly what kind of thing could do this though….”


    Kiriha: “RET?” He throws his hands out, grinning from ear to ear, “Oh I do wonder what et es, what I wouldn't geve to know and study et.”



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