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Status Updates posted by Yuln

  1. I re- sent the lore almost 20 hours ago.

  2. I sent the Lore/story

  3. I think some treads on the High elven forums need to be pinned...

  4. I want to be An Ascended

  5. I want to be An Ascended

  6. I would love to see some videos again!

  7. I writin' My story =D

    1. Garn


      I cannot reply to your messages. I get an array error. But though recruitment is closed you can make an in person inquiry and an exception could be made.

    2. Garn


      Ah i mean pay us a visit up north. we have many civilians and friends who assist us.

  8. I'll change the lore if nessessary, just send me the screenshots.

  9. I'm on the server! :D

  10. I'm thinking about killing Yuln off... I don't feel like people support me in my choices anymore and that takes away the fun I get from the RP...

    1. hammer01


      I just killed Peradon off... now i actually have to play my other character!

    2. hex37


      Do what I do: Make your character so original, secretive and unpredictable that no one questions your character simply because that whatevershedid was what she was going to do all along.

    3. hex37


      Or something like that. I'm on a horse.

  11. if we have a conversation, and there have been 3 messages, you never send a 4th message. Why not?

  12. Im awsome (a friend wanted me to say that) :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Praetor


      We all are. ^.^

    3. Blundermore


      Accept that guy... you know... The one over there. Right now. There... *Points out of the screen.* You know who you are.

    4. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      Damn right you are :D

  13. Im awsome (a friend wanted me to say that) :P

  14. Im awsome (a friend wanted me to say that) :P

  15. Im going to pre-order Guild wars 2 when I get home

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beneh


      Just for the standard version ? O.o

    3. Lirinya


      That is the standard version on their pre

      order website D:

    4. Yuln


      Im going for the deluxe version, its 75 euro

  16. Im going to pre-order Guild wars 2 when I get home

  17. Is it just me, or are you online a lot less lately?

  18. Issinardo Aedeian needs more members...

  19. Its my brithday!

    1. KarmaDelta


      Sorry for being so late ;) Happy B-Day friend

    2. Menchin


      You DARE lol at my pic?!

    3. Menchin


      Anyway , happy late birthday

  20. Just Pre-Purchased Guild Wars 2! :D

  21. LotC has become boring and frustrating... I dont feel like playing anymore.

    1. Yoff


      Take a break, just make sure to come back for 3.0, if all the hype is right, this should be pretty amazing.

  22. LotC has become boring and frustrating... I dont feel like playing anymore.

    1. Telanir


      Aww, play a Halfling. :3

      It shall get bettur. :D

    2. Salamandra


      I felt like that about 6 months ago, so I took a long break, and came back with a newfound vigor :3 Give it a try, but don't leave forever <3

  23. My internet is F**ed up! :(

  24. My minecraft name is Gosness_Aurea

  25. No, Helgar is a "friend"

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