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Etienne Harken

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Status Updates posted by Etienne Harken

  1. I'm a not excited about the Kharajyr what so ever. I dun't like it, not one bit.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)
    3. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      If we wanted to play a race knockoff of an elderscrolls game I think we would all be playing skyrim right now.

    4. Swgrclan


      A lot of work was put in them. Don't flame.

  2. One of the most accomplishing things you can ever experience is finishing an audiobook.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. firespirit44


      Whats Katawa Shoujo about? And my good sir, if you have played True Rememberance, you are a true otaku, one that precedes even those anime-fanatics.

      *holds wine glass out, while wearing a top hat and a monocle

      Clannad art is well, old. Meh cant help it. You should try and finish Fate, and go on to Unlimited Blade Works. THAT. Was de epic. Especially the battle scenes <3

    3. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      You . . . you haven't . . . . http://katawa-shoujo.com/ Go, downlaod it, play it. RUN MAN, RUN LIKE YOUR LIfE DEPENDS ON IT, THE FEELS AWAIT YOU

    4. firespirit44


      The summary sounds so heart breaking. I'm too much of a wimp to play Kana's little sister. I heard its a real tear jerker.

      A few other recomendations for the insanity department: Cross Channel and Ever17(haven't tried)

      Why dont you try 50 for this year? xD

  3. I've been playing Katawa Shoujo, a japanese graphic novel thing. I'm not one for anime, or manga or anything of the sort, but this is actually quite good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      Ayup. Not too corny, and tells a very heart warming little story.

    3. Trouvo


      :( I personally love anime

    4. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      It's an opinion thing mang. I can just never get over the overly dramatized everything, and the art-style grinds on me.

  4. Just finished Game of Thrones, moved onto Clash of Kings. WHY DIDN'T I READ THESE SOONER.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. Ever


      That's what I'm saying. Halfway through Clash of Kings now.

    4. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      THe twists are too good to spoil. NOT SAYING HTERE ARE ANY.

  5. Just got into a gargantuan debate with multiple friends about whether or not Princess Mononoke was better than Spirited Away. I Defended PM with my life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      Spirited Away is great, it's just no Princess Mononoke :P

    3. Eleatic


      >:O Yus it is.

    4. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      As I told my friends, I love both movies, so hard. But overall I think PM hits deeper, and I cared a bit more about the plot then in SA.

  6. I've reached a point where I think i'm just going to make Etienne's age 18, and leave the Harken household. I've yet to get any RP done for, like, 2-3 weeks, and I'm getting tired of waiting for people. World, here Etty comes!

    1. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Go ahead. If you're going to badmouth us and make me feel bad for not being on with all the things I've had going on, then that is fine...

    2. KarmaDelta


      Its powergaming to increase age when your playing a role like a child.... just wait it out. Not that hard. Its good RP if you say you were neglected as a child than up and using some kind of time thinga-ma-bob. Saves a ban report and can give more RP. So wait and your time will come soon to fly like a bird and leave the nest.

    3. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      I think there's a vague difference between powergaming and ruining other peoples RP, and power-gaming so I can actually be on the server. I'm not puttign blame on other people and whatever circumstances they're dealing with, but I've reached a point where I just want to RP. Too much to ask?

  7. Aaaahhh, Valentines Day. Time to kick back with some tea, and lulz and all the melodramatic FaceBook statuses. Sometimes, beign a teenager has its advantages.

    1. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      I meant at, not and. The caffeine is butchering my spelling.

    2. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    3. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken


      *pout face

  8. I have made it my goal to read 50 books this year. I'm so far on 9, gotta get to it.

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Good luck! That's a great goal to have.

    2. Eppich


      Need any recommendations?

    3. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      I've got about thirty laid out, it'd be nice though.

  9. Blargh, everyone is not online or AFK. No RP for Etty.

    1. Ever



    2. Dyn


      <----Is not here due to not wanting to downgrade.

    3. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      I have no idea how to respond to that Ever. No idea.

  10. Woah, just realized tommorow is the 1 year anniversary of my vegetarianism :D Also, decided to wait it out, and not age up Etienne, let some people sort some stuff out. In the meantime, I actually have to do schoolwork *groan*

    1. 0000


      Good job keeping up your dedication!

      *meanwhile gnaws on chicken*

    2. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Etienne is 16 almost 17 by now. Go ahead and go, I really don't care. I have no interest in playing with someone who makes me feel bad for taking a break due to life events.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Gratz on the vegetarianism!

  11. It's an odd feeling to come back from Basketball practice, read an article on the itnernet, then start crying in front of your computer. The world is a lesser place today.

    1. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      What was the article? Also.... I miss you!!!

    2. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken

      Oh, Chris Hitchens died, basically my utter hero.

  12. Despite my better judgement, I freakin' love YA fiction. It's like the potato chip of literature, no substnace, but enjoyable while it lasts.

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      YA fiction? What is this?

    2. Mitchamaya


      YA = Young Adult. YA books usually feature a teen lead, often as the chosen one or something. Off the top of my head, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Hunger Games, Inheritance series, Twilight. It's a pretty broad genre.

  13. D'awww, got denied being an app team member. Back to waiting for Etienne to get old enough to RP being independent.

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      D'awwww my poor wittle brother D:

    2. Etienne Harken

      Etienne Harken


  14. As a Mori who has been taking a fairly peaceful route with the newcomers, I can say, COME AT ME BRO! (also it's perfectly acceptable for you to begin calling me Squanto)

    1. KarmaDelta


      Should call us Squanto American :P

  15. Blargh, just got home from a big collaborative band thang, utterly destroyed physically. So i'm just playing Tom Waits really loud and drinking some expensive coffee I've been saving.

  16. Bleeeeh. The lack of server macks Sillion sad. Time to listen to massive amounts of Ska and Modest Mouse.


  18. Well, it's finally happening, I'm retiring Sillion for awhile, creating a new character named Evin. Here's the link to his villain app: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35495-unread-evin-fatchnas-villain-application/page__p__234208#entry234208

  19. *cough*It'sbesuperbroifavillainappteammemberwentonaspreebefore1.0kthaxbai*cough*

  20. As a Mori who has been taking a fairly peaceful route with the newcomers, I can say, COME AT ME BRO! (also it's perfectly acceptable for you to begin calling me Squanto)

  21. I've barely made 65 posts, yet I have 1200 profile views. Wat.

  22. Err'body, go buy/torrent To The Moon, naow. If you are a human, you will cry violently.

  23. Listening to my 5 year old niece explain bacteria to my mother. I have never been so proud.

  24. Tommorow is a very concert-y day. First I have to go to a school band UIL concert, then I'm heading up to Austin to see Dr. Dog. Wewt wewt.

  25. My school band got sweepstakes at UIL, which is the highest score you can possibely make. The best part? First time it's ever been done at my school. I also broke-ish my right arm directly afterwards. I am not a clever man.

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