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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Replies posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. New character idea; Brownish Blonde hair, blue eye High elf Tinker? I swear if I see ANYTHING like this by another person after this post, I will kill them:3

  2. If I reroll, definitely going to be Halfling...... Or elf:)

  3. Are there any High-Elf cities?

  4. All these fancy animated GIF avatars caused me to make one. So here we go...

  5. All these fancy animated GIF avatars caused me to make one. So here we go...

  6. Chem exam tommorow >->

  7. Honestly cannot wait for all the stuff involving my new character is done. The field test for him is going to be SO MUCH FUN.

  8. I have a baby sister!!! Congratz mum!

  9. Rep went down by two ;~;

  10. Rep went down by two ;~;

  11. question out of random thought. For some reason i enjoy conflicts, not conflicts involveing me but conflicts. like lets say for instance, my brother had an issue with an ex or she had an issue with him, well eather way, i walked up to the girl, just to see if she would cause drama, or that i would upset her, then i started just ignoreing her exsistance and hanged out with her brother who is a friend of mine, all just to rile her up to she might just jump at me trying to fight, so i can then t...

  12. 2.0 is close, and I can't exactly bring my character to the new world.. So, Insane Halfling or a Crazed Heretic Dark elf?

  13. 2.0 is close, and I can't exactly bring my character to the new world.. So, Insane Halfling or a Crazed Heretic Dark elf?

  14. question out of random thought. For some reason i enjoy conflicts, not conflicts involveing me but conflicts. like lets say for instance, my brother had an issue with an ex or she had an issue with him, well eather way, i walked up to the girl, just to see if she would cause drama, or that i would upset her, then i started just ignoreing her exsistance and hanged out with her brother who is a friend of mine, all just to rile her up to she might just jump at me trying to fight, so i can then t...

  15. everyone is failing at voting

  16. YES! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! My Morri app got accepted! I can sleep peacefully tonight. Goodnight LotC`


  18. Druids and there antics :P

  19. Truely these are the last days of Ouity.

  20. Truely these are the last days of Ouity.

  21. Tomorow is the Funeral.. family chose me to bury my friend... it get's harder every day. I seek asylum and someone to talk to but no one really understands me. The last person i buried was my brother, after his death i was never the same. If my life keeps spiraling down i make my leave of LOTC and probably my friends and seek something i can relate too.

  22. I'm trying to decide, should I make a new character? Alizeo RP is beyond boring, mostly involves insulting people and walking around.... Hmm....

  23. Almost finished my Morri app -.-, I need to make it absolutely pefect.

  24. Almost finished my Morri app -.-, I need to make it absolutely pefect.

  25. Waaait, is everyone going to have to die in 1.00 to go to 2.00?

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