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Status Replies posted by Mithradites

  1. #MALI'KERUNITE2012/2013

  2. #MALI'KERUNITE2012/2013

  3. So who wants to see the return of the undead in 3.0? Just curious.

  4. So what's this about Lucion being a Prince of Malinor? If so we are all doomed.

  5. So what's this about Lucion being a Prince of Malinor? If so we are all doomed.

  6. What is your favorite form of magic?

  7. What is your favorite form of magic?

  8. I miss RPing Knox...

  9. Is there an Elvish Deity of Love? If so, what named?

  10. If we reach number 1, I promise binders full of women, extra paying wages for the middle class, and a blowdrier.

  11. If we reach number one on Minestatus, I'll sing for you, LoTC, I'll sing, for you.

  12. If we reach number one on Minestatus, I'll sing for you, LoTC, I'll sing, for you.

  13. Native then locks the thread. Not allowing anyone else, including myself to continue to speak their mind and give their opinion. The FM team had opened it up because the community felt like they were being silenced. Its funny how its happening again. Can't solve the problem, try and put it in a locked closet. I find it quite a funny solution.

  14. It appears telekinesis has replaced conjuration as the lame and unpopular form of Arcane magic... We may just have to fix that.

  15. It appears telekinesis has replaced conjuration as the lame and unpopular form of Arcane magic... We may just have to fix that.

  16. *Tips his Old Hat*

  17. *Tips his Old Hat*

  18. Heard the map got deleted...

  19. Heard the map got deleted...

  20. I've got extremely severe stress levels, and these people from Oren aren't helping it. It's why I've quit the server so many times. Other people troll, ruin my RP. I get angry, I get stressed. I try to have them stop, they don't, I get even more stressed. Cycle of Life.

  21. All Elven races will make it to 3.0 right? theres not going to be a genocide of any elven race is there?

  22. Far too much chaos in Haelun'or for Kalenz's liking...

  23. Far too much chaos in Haelun'or for Kalenz's liking...

  24. Time to pull a high elf!

  25. I feel like making a status, anyone agrees?

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