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Status Replies posted by Mithradites

  1. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, have we found the perfect place for a Nickelback concert?

  2. Kalenz got rejected! Hahaha...

  3. We need more bakers. Not enough bakers, not enough cake

  4. The Elder Scrolls Question of the day: What race do you pick in ever Elder Scrolls games and why?

  5. Enjoy that fire, High Elves ;) It managed to kill Goliath in the process.

  6. Sigh. The nobody is hiring librarians.

  7. Sigh. The nobody is hiring librarians.

  8. Sigh. The nobody is hiring librarians.

  9. Daww. That moment when your character is just told that her friend murdered her mother.. I almost want to cry ;(

  10. Come to Urukports for your orcish needs.

  11. Blue Dark Elves ftw! XD

  12. I said HEY! (Hey) What a wonderful kind of day! If we could learn to work and play, and get along with each other. Funny how a kid's show's theme song can have such a simple message, yet... be so hard to follow.

  13. Well, Kazotar is dead, now I need a new char :/

  14. I am now the Viking of Malinor.

  15. Panda made Zarsies laugh in real life! That is Panda's high point of this day.. She loves making others laugh.

  16. Doing Mary Sue tests on characters. Unsurprisingly many of you get unweildy scores. Highest thus far is 90 test thineself http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm

  17. You know...I'm not very active on the forums anymore. My character mostly keeps to herself. I sort of wish people outside the Rose would just leave me alone. Is that too much to ask?

  18. Approaching 1000 posts... What should 1000 be?

  19. You silly goose.

  20. One day, Einstein, Newton, and Pascal meet up and decide to play a game of hide and seek. Einstein volunteered to be “It.” As Einstein counted, eyes closed, to 100, Pascal ran away and hid, but Newton stood right in front of Einstein and drew a one meter by one meter square on the floor around himself. When Einstein opened his eyes, he immediately saw Newton and said “I found you Newton,” but Newton replied, “No, you found Pascal!"

  21. #NerfWhiteRoses2013 (I'm sers.)

  22. All this Malinor change... Nothing ever changed in Haelun'or...

  23. 'Tis a dark time for Malinor indeed.

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