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Status Replies posted by Mithradites

  1. So if you're confused, I blew up the High Elf city.

  2. Well, seeing as most can't get their daily dose of OOC, perhaps we should turn status updates into our new OOC chat :P

  3. Mithridates is tuberculosis?! Dang, thats gotta be rough.

  4. Mithridates is tuberculosis?! Dang, thats gotta be rough.

  5. YAY I have met TotalBiscuit through the internet! YAY I feel complete, having watched all of his WoW videos, I even subscribed to him.... I

  6. I honestly doubt TB is Mith. Being he has said he dislikes Minecraft. Where did this rumor even come about...?

  7. Heist warclaims? What's next, a Murder Warclaim?

  8. give me a name of a town were all races are welcomed?

  9. So, let's say a dark elf and a halfling had a child... What do you think it would look like? (considering it would exist of course).

  10. Crazy, they called me... CRAZY!? HAHAHAHAhahahaaa.... *twitches*

  11. Working on warclaims, stay tuned

  12. Hey guize, what are your opinions on early electricty in the server? I'm talking voltaic piles, here. Not lightbulbs.

  13. Hey guize, what are your opinions on early electricty in the server? I'm talking voltaic piles, here. Not lightbulbs.

  14. Hey guize, what are your opinions on early electricty in the server? I'm talking voltaic piles, here. Not lightbulbs.

  15. Drawing a storyboard for an LoTC animation !

  16. Drawing a storyboard for an LoTC animation !

  17. Drawing a storyboard for an LoTC animation !

  18. Dear Mage's guild. Protect your tower in Holm better.

  19. Dear Mage's guild. Protect your tower in Holm better.

  20. Now, with all that ruckus gone, how would you like to sit down with me for some wine?

  21. Alright, look, I am not able to be active in-game, but when I can here and there pop up, I need a library to crash. Ya'll got me auctioning my body... I mean my writing skills. Who wants Gaius in their Library, say AYE!

  22. Alright, look, I am not able to be active in-game, but when I can here and there pop up, I need a library to crash. Ya'll got me auctioning my body... I mean my writing skills. Who wants Gaius in their Library, say AYE!

  23. Who has or wants to get the Europa Barbarorum Mod for Rome: Total War and enjoy me kicking their arse? PS: Mogroka wants to enforce Islamic Law in LotC, Availermuch Lol I kid.

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