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Status Replies posted by Mithradites

  1. 'Tis a dark time for Malinor indeed.

  2. People! If you want the White Rose not to come and kill you IC, stop making dark elf assassins to try to retaliate... They don't hunt your character down without reasoning.

  3. Where's the advantage in a one-handed crossbow? Too small to build up tension to get any decent power or range in the shot, too big and cumbersome to aim with one hand properly, so you'd be using two hands anyway. And they're still too big to hide.

  4. Being used as Rex's pillow when there smokin' the green... The life of a passive High elf *facepalm

  5. Deshi Deshi Basara Basara! Deshi Deshi Basara Basara! *The curved horns of the First Hochmeister's helmet breaks the ground above it, the grave arising* :3 :3

  6. Come on, Mog. Declare war. Let's do it.

  7. I have an odd feeling that Mogroka is going to steamroll the tar out of the other races, if I am wrong; I will be glad mates :3

  8. I have an odd feeling that Mogroka is going to steamroll the tar out of the other races, if I am wrong; I will be glad mates :3

  9. Mogroka clearly wills the high elves to return to racism. It is therefore we can conclude that "GOD WILLS IT" Therefore it must be done... Questions?

  10. Something I have noticed about Oren is that their denizens are really good at writing posts about hearing orders and marching places.

  11. Whats with everyone cauterizing wounds now in LoTC? Everyone does it now

  12. Lots of babies having a cry about the reality of half bloods. Funny that the ONLY problem anyone has is short human lifespans.

  13. - 6 Hours in. I just can't stop listening.
  14. - 6 Hours in. I just can't stop listening.
  15. Should I make a High Elf?

  16. Kalenz told someone to prove they were deceptive and steal something of value from someone without them realizing. The guy stole a baby.

  17. Kalenz told someone to prove they were deceptive and steal something of value from someone without them realizing. The guy stole a baby.

  18. -Tries to eat and goes AFK in server- -Gets bugged by multiple people and gets thrown out of malinor for standing in snow- Excellent. You guys are awesome.

  19. I'm addicted to XCOM Enemy Unkown ;-;. It's so fun.

  20. anyone else sick and tired of flay?

  21. The Snow Mali'Aheral have received a much needed makeover.

  22. The Snow Mali'Aheral have received a much needed makeover.

  23. What's wrong with being an all powerful character?

  24. I like this song. This rack city.

  25. I like this song. This rack city.

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