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Status Replies posted by OhDeerLord

  1. So bored. So tired. Nothing to do and its 4am. I should sleep but is it weird I can't will myself to get off the computer and go to bed? I'm not even doing anything right now.

  2. Blurry so you can see my UI for the facial expressions; fully pose-able face just by dragging the orange circles around. http://gyazo.com/d2e1a0f004765203f615e315ddedc6e4

  3. Blurry so you can see my UI for the facial expressions; fully pose-able face just by dragging the orange circles around. http://gyazo.com/d2e1a0f004765203f615e315ddedc6e4

  4. H-ey, not saying anything about the oceon or anything, b-ut would there happen to be a place or any where one might watch a game of thrones online?

  5. Less than twelve hours until the roommate is gone :c

  6. In the next 24 hours theroommate will be no more.. :c

  7. I got beat up by a ghost for like an hour D:

  8. I got beat up by a ghost for like an hour D:

  9. In the next 24 hours theroommate will be no more.. :c

  10. In the next 24 hours theroommate will be no more.. :c

  11. Just had a 747th throwing knife thrown at me, good to see some things will never change XD

  12. what happened to the server

  13. Beats Antique, Dwyn makes mockery

  14. I've been up all night. Wwaai. Roommate went to bed like six hours ago.

  15. Not going to be on this weeken - bro's wedding. DONT BREAK ANYTHING WHILE IM GONE GUYS!

  16. I've officially been approved - to deny people with this GIF - http://imgur.com/K76gUIN

  17. ... I'm simply gonna say this: I've been able to avoid PVP for a fair bit - by simply keeping my head down, and doing best TO HAVE FUN by RPing, and not ruin the fun of others. I think if everyone just chose to keep there heads down, and have fun with their friends, everything would be all fun and dandy.

  18. Haha, anyone else remember when LotC didn't crash every few days? Good times.

  19. Is the lava being dumped into the dwarf lake supposed to be RPed as lava, or some other pollution? And what in the world is the green thing in the middle?

  20. Still sipping on that pina colada, I'll be pissing merrily in no time!

  21. There going to be a temp map, or?

  22. I am thinking of making lore for satyrs, any thoughts?

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