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Status Replies posted by OhDeerLord

  1. *Sighs* There are just no Wolves around.. And my ideas are ****... It looks like I need to get a higher dosage of my depression meds...

  2. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  3. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  4. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  5. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  6. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  7. So.. Why isnt it against the rules to put NPC's with your username standing around your settlement?

  8. That moment when the snow elves spend four hours trying to find a picture of me..

  9. Well, Malii is now dead. I'm leaving this server. Goodbye.

    1. OhDeerLord


      My characters daughter new how to farm some and fed the chickens..Your issue might be unnatentive parents. I would try to suggest someone to you but all the people I know are already busy with their own kids or wouldnt really adopt a mali'ker.

      What you can do for the item situation is put all your stuff in a chest burried somewhere- switch personas, and then run to that spot?

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well, Malii is now dead. I'm leaving this server. Goodbye.

    1. OhDeerLord


      How old is your character? You could always have him ask how to make bread. Its rather easy and he might just burn himself a little bit rply.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  11. Alright. Got two houses up, including a smithy, a farm, animal pasture, and the basis of a wall. Not nearly as impressive as what nations are doing but we're doing what we can with our numbers.

  12. Alright. Got two houses up, including a smithy, a farm, animal pasture, and the basis of a wall. Not nearly as impressive as what nations are doing but we're doing what we can with our numbers.

  13. Alright. Got two houses up, including a smithy, a farm, animal pasture, and the basis of a wall. Not nearly as impressive as what nations are doing but we're doing what we can with our numbers.

  14. Well, Malii is now dead. I'm leaving this server. Goodbye.

    1. OhDeerLord


      Maybe settle somewhere else? There are plenty of settlements popping up

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  15. Anyone know any good skin-editing programs besides Novaskin, MCskin 3D, and Gimp?

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Where was Tucketbrook Lane located?

  17. warning: intense levels of ECH and jontron ahead
  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: LOTC had a booth at the Minecon held in which city?

  19. What are the rules for stealing out of unlocked chests?

  20. Oropher the bat druid. Top kek.

  21. random inside joke no one but a couple people will get.

  22. Is the plague plugin going to be removed for 4.0? Because alot of folks left with it, and might return.. Bad way to start the map off with a plague.

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