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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by OhDeerLord

  1. Can I start a fairie race? I want to start a fairie race.

  2. So I log in and suddenly I'm a wandering soul. What do?

  3. May someone describe the current Elven settlement to me? I am without the ability to get on the server and have not seen it because of this. I also speak broadly on "Elven settlement", as I assume the race is still united.

  4. is chainmail still a thing in lotc?

  5. I'm no superman

  6. YE-HAHA!! YES!! I GOT ACCEPTED! THAT'S RIGHT, BABY! Oh god I am SO HAPPY. I have been trying to get on this server for over a year, AND TODAY IS MY DAY OF GLORY-oh I have to do my homework. ._. Ok bye.

  7. -Trawls the Application Forum-

  8. -Trawls the Application Forum-

  9. -Trawls the Application Forum-

  10. Seasons should be longer so you actually have time to prepare for a harsh winter.

  11. Seasons should be longer so you actually have time to prepare for a harsh winter.

  12. Just found out the Westboro Baptist Church has a soundcloud account where they parody popular songs. This is hilariously pathetic.

  13. Auntie Della don't give no fricks.

  14. Hail, friends

  15. I really need to stop getting into the habit of staying up till 5am. Stahp- just- stahp.

  16. Captured by the Helves-but first, lemme take a selfie, http://i.gyazo.com/ec8cc0b50c3817d240420a3d5507e940.png

  17. Do I see an Elven Civil War a brewin'?

  18. Am I the ONLY one who likes the new plugins so far?

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