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Status Replies posted by OhDeerLord

  1. What do you call an orphan's family tree?

  2. what are the rules about stealing horses?

  3. Looking to play a Mali' Ker character(my first), is anyone looking for someone to play a member of their family or something simliar?

  4. Someone should make me a character, I'll love you viciously.

  5. This server is like a prison... You can hide from the world in its dark corners... Unseen by all... But you can never really escape these tall virtual walls. In other words, I have returned once more

  6. Done the Graven rewrite. Are there any former Graven RPers still RPing some character here today?

  7. This is a question to all those people with unique animals as pets (etc giant friggin spiders, ice snakes or whatnot); did you have to write lore and stuff for it? Do other people have pets from the same lore you wrote?

  8. i wanna do bad things with you...

  9. I we didn't have an ubundence of races and had an option for a new one, I'd want Lizard folk. Lizard folk are cool.

  10. I we didn't have an ubundence of races and had an option for a new one, I'd want Lizard folk. Lizard folk are cool.

  11. AGH AGH AGGGHHHH 5 more days of intense f*cking jacked up school for me still! AGGGHHH KILL MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. So a group of kids no older than Eight with the youngest having just turned 5 were just threatened to have their throats cut by some orenian soldiers. Wat

  13. So a group of kids no older than Eight with the youngest having just turned 5 were just threatened to have their throats cut by some orenian soldiers. Wat

  14. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  15. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  16. Does MPM being down mean Im stuck in my previous form... halfling size?

  17. The application forum doesn't have the form for Alt Account's...

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What are fairy rings made of?

  19. So my list so far is My male character having to walk around with boobs, and my friend being forever trapped in the body of a child. No. This isn't RP- This is MPM being removed.

  20. Very salmon. Much yum. Wow.

  21. The Red Tide Assembles!!!!!!

  22. So bored. So tired. Nothing to do and its 4am. I should sleep but is it weird I can't will myself to get off the computer and go to bed? I'm not even doing anything right now.

  23. So bored. So tired. Nothing to do and its 4am. I should sleep but is it weird I can't will myself to get off the computer and go to bed? I'm not even doing anything right now.

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