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Status Updates posted by ShadowoKing

  1. My brithday is today, 17 :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      ^ Very late lol

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      *sneaks in waving his hand acting like he was here the whole time* happeh birthday

    4. ShadowoKing


      <_< Locking...So late, disappointed. JK.

  2. Just noticed why is iron has same green tag as steel IG, in OOC chat?

    1. ΚΨΙΞ
    2. ShadowoKing


      I just donated to steel so it does not matter

  3. Donated to Steel, is bright green Steel cause I got green tag?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      No, bright green is Application team. Your app must have been accepted I suppose.

    3. argonian


      Soran, bright green is App team. Don't misinform him. Steel is dark green.

    4. ShadowoKing


      No IG <_< For some reason it is dark green IG even thou I just donated today and was like this yesterday.

  4. Damn my minecraft crashed, cannot connect to minecraft.net and the browser hates me. I cannot join LOTR, sad face.

    1. Lykos


      I was screwing around with some texture mods (water shaders and the like) and I deleted my bin in order to refresh the system to make sure it all worked... blam can't download bin again... So I am stuck.

  5. So glad I have this character. More rp than I had with my old character.

  6. No apps to do, need 10 more posts to 500 :P

    1. Maximas1211
    2. xFrozt


      once you get 500 posts you have just achieved the awesome sauce trophy :3

    3. Antharin
  7. Losing interest in this server, may wait to play next weekend to see if it improves.

  8. Seem my character parents are hardly on when I'm on or left server, may need to get adopted

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      lol, you going to win

    3. Dante


      I'd love to adopt Salas kid...

    4. ShadowoKing


      lol, do not think he would like it. But if serious, find me.

  9. Bandits gave my character a mark which he does not know how he got it. Good rp, but mean. Child to fight to the death. :p

    1. hosper


      Well at least your character

      was able to bring yourself to fight I was unable to bring myself to harm a child thus I shot an arrow at the leader of the bandits 1 vs 10 I think so

    2. ShadowoKing


      ^yeah which we forgotten. Was it 30 minutes or 20 minutes we lost? And how long did all of this taken?

    3. hosper


      I don't know I just assumed I didn't remember anything

  10. lol took my app. Never knew asking a app team is against the rules. I'll keep that in mind.

  11. Noticed number of player decreased on the server when I look at it, bet americans get lots. Anyone near GMT+0 agrees?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cosmik


      Being homeschooled I can wath the numbers rise and fall throughout the day. Primetime is 6PM-misnight, and it dips down to the 30s by 9 in the morning. I live in GMT-5 btw.

    3. Eledyr


      I live in Gmt+1 and I only see a lot of people on around 9-10 pm

    4. ShadowoKing


      ^some come on, but yestersday up to 1 am there was only like less than 200 which was normally packed at this time. school days I understand, I may wait for weekend and see if it increases.

  12. When will we get a home, my character feel like a tramp, sleeping in a tent (which is tempory) If you need 1000 minas ask me.

  13. If you get unbanned and get your gardenheath approved, might bring Vain back. only as tempary until other character is more grown up :D

  14. I have not been accepted, what?!

  15. Noticed we got full cap but still 14th on minestatus. Vote!

  16. Do you have to donate in-game, **** I think I did not. Will this effect my paid vip?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadowoKing


      Do not think it did, not able to go on server.Was on early today, donated this morning. GMT.

    3. Salamandra


      Message Native, he's a baws

    4. ShadowoKing


      ^going to, seems he is nicer

  17. Finally found the Elf nation, so big for a small character

  18. ok, just donated. Now what?

    1. Ever


      PM an admin on the forums or send in a /modreq.

  19. Going to donate tomorrow, how much is $25 in pounds?

  20. Recommend to people waiting, do not join or wait. It seems it will take forever and you only would be kicked for donators.

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Yeah, if you camp, you just get more and more disgruntled. Luckily I've got work in an hour.

  21. So bored, want server up.

  22. R.I.P Aegis and their fallen heroes

    1. Maximas1211
    2. ShadowoKing


      Vain was backstabbed by a pigzomble when he went through the portal to Verge.

  23. Wow, lots of characters are dying :S

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maximas1211


      Yeah, I wondering if I should kill my character

    3. Praetor


      FFFF- There goes another friend o' mine T_T

    4. Maximas1211


      Aww :D thanks but I not sure, Aghhhh It so stressful

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