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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by E__V__O

  1. Does anyone know why the 2nd Gen Blood magic is currently under review when other magic ideas have been around for a lot longer? As I was aware all new magic idea's would not be reviewed till 4.0

  2. Does anyone know why the 2nd Gen Blood magic is currently under review when other magic ideas have been around for a lot longer? As I was aware all new magic idea's would not be reviewed till 4.0

  3. Does anyone know why the 2nd Gen Blood magic is currently under review when other magic ideas have been around for a lot longer? As I was aware all new magic idea's would not be reviewed till 4.0

  4. Online Relationships are confusing XD, though they are within real life is well.

  5. Through the new generation to come, society has been able to accept homosexuality between both genders, though some people are still "threatened" about homosexuality actually being out there. A strange world we live in.

  6. Halfling RP is best RP.

  7. Apologies, I can't access the forums whilst at home, nor manage to get onto the internet.

  8. If you would spare 1 minute to fill in this small questionnaire for my Honours Project I would be very grateful.

  9. help me I am surrounded by people

  10. Tythus removed me as a contact on Skype... I feel lost.

  11. The Necromancers are apprently being hunted down by Dougy Fresh.

  12. This is how I RP Evark!... ~Looks away, looks to keyboard, looks at the screen... Looks back down at keyboard.... Slap the keyboard's letters. Insanity Rp done!~ Than after... Poppy and Eren Carpenter got a divorce from it... (IC) Oh my... Am I doing rp right? :O

  13. How does one make a character...dangerous ICly? Like if you look at me and know me, you know not to **** with me for I might do terrible things.

  14. May the dark side be with you.

  15. Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

  16. Release the Kraken!

  17. Just a reminder, this thing is now free to explore! http://i.imgur.com/mVp2YpM.png

  18. Donating blood. Afraid of needles. Aaaaaah

  19. Second golem question, can souls be used still in order to create a golem?

  20. I'm looking for ideas for 4.0 magic lore, something that would make sense for Dark elves to have, something that makes them dangerous to be around with.

  21. I'm looking for ideas for 4.0 magic lore, something that would make sense for Dark elves to have, something that makes them dangerous to be around with.

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