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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by E__V__O

  1. Seriously though, who do I contact now for media team permissions and sketches ?

  2. Seriously though, who do I contact now for media team permissions and sketches ?

  3. The recent ruling by DiscoLiquid sets a bad precedent, for when a VIP locks a chest for someone and later chooses to remove their own lock, they have the chance of being banned.

  4. You should need air evo to do smoke tricks

  5. Believe you'd make a good GM? Apply before the 16th!

  6. Where is the rewind button? :/

  7. Where is the rewind button? :/

  8. Favorite Leonardo DiCaprio film, go.

  9. What's the current take on new made magical arts ?
    Any current standing on it ?

  10. Some fam explain briefly what each magic type actually does

  11. Some fam explain briefly what each magic type actually does

  12. What are the rules of using the mypet plugin pet in PvP combat?

  13. Added another potion, this is how:

    Blood -> Any of the three Silverfish Blocks


  14. Added another potion, this is how:

    Blood -> Any of the three Silverfish Blocks


  15. This is my one and only protest for monk bread to come back. I will literally do nothing about it but make this single status post, good day.

  16. Nothing like when someone thinks it is a good idea to tie a druid to a tree and mug him, Lotc Bandits at their finest.

  17. Important news about TA's coming today. 

  18. High Elf racial buff please?

  19. The moment when a extremly hot teacher from your school wants tp meet up for private studying on thr weekend

  20. Woo! Magic guides are back. Time to update!

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