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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by E__V__O

  1. 4.0 So far http://i.imgur.com/tfkbGxC.jpg looks like it'll be done this week, I'll fight for the in-game building phase to be done in 60 days or so /flex

  2. who here plays Osu!?

  3. Happy Birthday to me!

  4. If you have a link to your VA or char sheet anywhere, you have to repaste the link. All forums signs IG probably broke too.

  5. http://scr.hu/13tv/akc5s Dear god. Kitten has surpassed Liri... O_O
  6. I apologize for that. Thank you Cappy.

  7. If you ask for constructive criticism on a post a WIP lore at that, and someone just votes no without any reply or why they did so, is it possible for them to get a forum warn?

  8. Wat. Why do people keep saying things are edgy? What does it even mean in this case?

  9. And thus, Tony Abbott!

  10. As I was an Undead Orc, that made me responsible for murdering 93% of the server's parents in Aegis. :(

  11. Rhia changed my description in TS to "romeo" just to tease me!

  12. Gonna' see The Conjuring soon. Any film reviewers out there?

  13. Whoever built the Temple did a shoddy job... http://i.imgur.com/8e0KJG9.jpg

  14. Being ignored by the MAT once again...

  15. I feel down, I don't know why...

  16. What is with you people trusting a guy draped in make-up? I mean just cause my character talks nice and acts nice don't mean he is. The moral of the story don't trust people who wear tones of it.

  17. Oops. I did it again.

  18. The Flays have started a war, ruining nature and destroying the aspects creations will result in their deaths..

  19. Oops. I did it again.

  20. Should I stop being E-vil? (This question is for people who have seen my role-play.)

  21. Magic just doesn't feel like magic no moar. It's not rare, very powerful, or feared. LotC magic seems common, not "weak" but not necessarily powerful, and it's not very feared. Thoughts?

  22. I am having serious troubles writing this magic lore I am trying to be for the past few weeks, can someone manage to help me?

  23. It's funny how you can kill someone and get away with it... I know how to get away with it easily, most people deserve to die...

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