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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by E__V__O

  1. ~After noticing the letter, a small washed smile runs across Dri's face before he gives a small light nod as if he has just seen the shining light of forgiveness cross over his every well being, a notice is left back as he cannot seem to find Callax's stead. "Thank you for accepting me back within the order of the druii, shall you be able to send the next time and date of the soon to come moot? I do feel the call when it starts from attunment though it doesn't show me what way it is, sometimes coming late to my own being. So the time, date and the place listed by the next notice would be most understandable." (Sorry for bad punctuation though at school writing)
  2. ~A message is pined carefully whilst attached to a leaf just outside the arch druid offices~
  3. Question!, I found a great forum picture I want to use (It is a gif) though it is currently two big, I re-sized it but it just doesn't have the right effect, is it possible for a FM/GM/Anyone else help me get the good one on? (I have the bad one on now), If anyone could help. The file-size is just to big for a normal player to use (900kb) is it possible for a upload help?

  4. The Sand Elves even though it might seem trolly it is a serious post, please leave it up.

    1. Servant of St. Owyn

      Servant of St. Owyn

      This time it's serious anyway

    2. Servant of St. Owyn

      Servant of St. Owyn

      But +1 for support

  5. Heya, thanks for the support Leon - glad you liked the lore.
  6. This is how I RP Evark!... ~Looks away, looks to keyboard, looks at the screen... Looks back down at keyboard.... Slap the keyboard's letters. Insanity Rp done!~ Than after... Poppy and Eren Carpenter got a divorce from it... (IC) Oh my... Am I doing rp right? :O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. E__V__O



    3. ScreamingDingo


      Just saying, we are all not like this. All of us aren't like this at all actually.

    4. Salamandra


      Is this what Australians are like? #BackofMind

  7. The WIP is done!, Free to be reviewed when ready you can do so as you wish. Feedback is still requested. Thank you for baring with me . Ps: Due to 4.0 around the corner, similar concepts of this magic as stated above with alchemy + Contract magic + Scourge magic, well in 4.0 scourge magic won't be apart and have ways to preform this. So this can serve as a replacement or advanced version / separate version of contract magic. As you need magic + Alchemy and the knowledge of contracts to succeed this. So it doesn't hold any similar concepts or confusion anymore than the apart of things. Pss: Remember Gross Motor skills.
  8. Well, this is me I finally finished my pryamid http://imgur.com/a/8apSR

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Can I have some. :c

    2. Terafir


      Terafir scurries in, grabs a container, and quickly scurries out again.

  9. http://poorlydrawnlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/stereotype.png What every bit of a question has happened to me for the past week...
  10. New plug-ins are amazballs!

  11. Just to point out- http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/55869-the-gavernachs/page-4?hl=%2Bgiant+%2Bfish#entry512689 Lore on Angler fish- Though happy rp'ing!
  12. Thank you for the support! Though to get to the point of this already being done? Essentially a part of it has yes, though when Anthos gets removed it can no longer happen or be created again due to it needing, Contract magic, Alchemy and than the antagonist magic. Since the Antagonist resides in Anthos and won't be traveling with us, the magic of this happening will cease to void. - Though other magics throughout the RP of magic, are similar in different ways though besides working to combine already existing magic, they have decided to make a addition or make the own subtype of said magic and get it accepeted. Something like that lies here- though when Jistuma reads this throughout and decides upon it- the lore can be decided if it is to be a attachment to contract magic (which it will most likely be) or a new subtype (unlikely). - Though again thanks for the support and I hope this removes confusion.
  13. Another question if possible!... Could there be a possible quick fix to how Evocation works- such as how you are keeping the fire within the over-world. As it currently stands, you can only evocate in a area you can see, though I wish if it could be changed and see about if you or others agree if it can be changed to, you can only evocate in a area that you can feel your magic. The way that sight works is- You see a lake, you summon a sheet of ice onto the lake so you can walk on. As you walk on it, instantly if you are not looking down at your feet or your whole body the said ice would return to the void- since you lost sight of it. The same can be delt with evocated fire, earth and electricity. Though with fire once you loose sight it goes back to the void- even if you can feel the heat of your flames. As with Earth and electricity- though electricity is well- you need to see the point target. Though the way that it could work is if you can feel the evocated subject. Water, if you know and concentrate on the water summon a sheet of ice and begin to walk over it- a trail of ice can be behind you forming a small bridge. As long as you can feel it and know it is their and concentrating on it. With fire, you can summon a flame, look away for a second- feel that the flame is still over your hand and concentrating on it- before turning back and seeing it once more, not letting it vanish- as with earth evocation also, ect. - Is it possible that this can be done, since it makes more sense than what it currently is that "you need to see it to summon/keep it in the over-world, just silly to me on how that is working. Edit: It also means that if you put ice on said persons back or fire, when they turn to look at you- the magic will fade...
  14. Sorry I have not read the full comment base in this post (tell me if I need to). Though the way I see death is something that could add to roleplay within itself, see it like this- A death for the character dying, yes destroys role play for them~ In all senses they won't remember how they died or why. Though if they died, it could add to development of characters around them. Such as the killer while also near-by people. I know you might not think that death does not add to anything good or funny, but it is apart of role play and can help role play, by developing a character/s. I can give examples but that would take to long- so please forgive me, but it should be here and apart of roleplay even if you think it's bland and nothing comes from it, it can and it does.
  15. I have been talking to Jistuma and he will reply sometime later, though- He was certain this could be a upgrade or something else, though he will be reading it fully soon to give a run-down. As what I suggested, it could be new magic, it could be a upgrade on contract magic or it could be defining what you could do in contact magic, or a different path within contract magic, ect. So this being a whole new place of a subtype, or different magic could be their, but it also could be an addition or definition of what contract magic could also do- So Kardel, saying that the magic is not needed would be saying something completely differently- I have said this before so make sure to look at the comments. Though as you say that contract magic is sketchy, than let this be confirmation, if that is what Jistuma wishes.
  16. Strife you say? Strife! How dare you say Strife!, but I thank you for your supportive actions.
  17. Ah well thank you for the feedback, and in the red-lines I stated (maybe not so clear) that you cannot get a height changed, which includes your body at all limits past two feet, So you cannot have a human 5 foot 9 feet, but you can have him 7 foot. Though if he wants a attachment for a third leg for some reason it can be done, but again it limits on how much room the body can handle and if the blood and cycle that far!. Remember the heart, maybe you would need two hearts to pump blood more efficiently the more limbs you attach on. While it also doesn't give extra strength- so you need to get use to one, having a extra leg/(other limbs) to than also have the strength of your body to hold it up. It is impossible to lets say have five arms on each side, making 10 armed man, as your body most likely wouldn't have the heart to pump blood efficiently through it all, as with not having enough strength to withstand said how many limbs attached. Though again it works with gross motor skills, and I will say now that no holding swords within it, hammers or axes, even bows. Though you can hold something the size of a beach-ball. Though thanks for the feedback!
  18. Question, if magic that offers nothing within the up-coming plug-in and only a RP thing, while giving no PvP advantage at all. Would these be under-review or otherwise no?
  19. The name has been changed to; Ker'Tarem, meaning; Dark (Ker), life / energy of living (Tarem). Thank you all for the support also~ :) Though something else, shall this be left as it currently is, or should things be added / removed?
  20. Which is why I added a WIP did I not? Though it runs with, alchemy and than a Ritual to which forms it into essence of smoke at the end to which the Magic than uses it from the contract to run it across. Contract magic can em-bind things to a body, but not make it connect to said soul (unless a IRL week has passed), though that is about it, through that and Alchemy, though this method creates much more, call it magic or not magic- it could be something different. Though it grows with gross motor skills, within that increase in muscular mass or decrease, and height and weight can be included. Though you can think this is a form of contract magic or not- it is roughly your choice, though the magic? I presented forms what it seems a fun experience all around, and only if the person wants it can it happen- not the other way around. Though Jistuma will post soon to explain things further but when I crossed it over with him, I believe he said that contract magic was unable to do this such, and would be a "new method" or "new magic". In all terms at once, this provides with a RP stand-point and not a stand-point in PvP such not over-lapping current magic implemented upon the server but a different take of said magic. Again Jistuma will post soon about it so further relevance to contract magic should be left out until he replies- thank you.
  21. I am confused on this statement, though I presume it was an "We've already got this sorted out in Contract magic we don't need another" In all terms if that was what you meant than I will answer to that. The reason why I made this was to add a new flavor to LoTC, as it combines more than one thing- ritual-alchemy and Magic all in one, though also having a contract seal to not have it over-flow and force it on people. In turn a way to say "You can only get it if you sign for it" and not have it signed on you through a torture act. But it is your own choice really. Though the reason why this is different to what Contract magic is, well simple. Contract magic offers a more bit of flavor onto LoTC which I like, though this adds a touch more to that flavor making a good platter of food being served, with it also being unable to have any PvP advantage, and only follows with gross motor skills if getting a limb attached, than simply it is a way to make ascetic magic to a person through a role play thought. Though being as contract magic is limited, it can be seen as a different take to contract magic, if it follows under that- though the simple thought of it having a contract doesn't mean it would be under the contract magic-sub-type. Though express your reasoning on why you think this is un-needed if that was your question? - Edit for Demo: Contract magic cannot do this- I have read it all and I gave some ideas for it's initial creation with Jistuma, this is a whole different thing if you compare the two.
  22. It was something that came into my head, maybe since I was doing biology home work, though if you can think of a better word, give me suggestions to name it something else!
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