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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by E__V__O

  1. Does anyone know why the 2nd Gen Blood magic is currently under review when other magic ideas have been around for a lot longer? As I was aware all new magic idea's would not be reviewed till 4.0

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lago


      Does that answer the question?

    3. Lago


      The most important thing to note here is that the roleplay ideas forum is /not/ the old lore forum: it's an ideas and suggestions forum rather than a place to post lore for reviewal.

    4. E__V__O


      Alrightly, thanks ^_^

  2. OOC: As my TimeZone is set in place, I cannot really get on at times of the active peak hours of druidism, I know my character Dri'Killan has been on the list of forgotten druii, but I have been trying to get him back into the active druid section, the only problem is the timezone disadvantage... Is there another possible way that I can speak to said archdruids besides IG wise, that or I would have to stay up late to speak to them... Please help!
  3. Over-reading the lore again, I must say I do like the concept of it. Seems like a good player or ET character depending on what it is. +1 Server needs a bit more fantasy anyway.
  4. I'll find a means to contact you! Good luck! Is it possible you could PM me your Skype name, or would you rather through forum PM?
  5. I think we can arrange things though I also speak with Jistuma about it... What is your Skype name or would you prefer Forum PM to communicate?
  6. Keep it a secret if you wish! Learn it if you wish! Go ahead!... Though it isn't magic, it is the use of materials to create it Just using the word mana node/wires as they still hold the same affect, collecting mana!
  7. Skyl'r is such a flirt, you don't understand 0_0

  8. Gotta do what a mans gotta do! Despite that, the mana nodes/wires are made from materials now that when combined with materials and everything has a mana consumption for a unknown reason!... This being said, I will take it up to the plate to learn this.
  9. I never thought about it in a way of it seeming like Naruto! Good pick up!... Also I have changed the lore from magic to materials, the name might be a mana weaving, but that is a term of collecting mana. Edit: After looking this over, the lore here works with mech standard. And a quote from Jistuma confirming.
  10. Being a WIP, I can make changes depending on specifications to see if they can be added or not while fit in it all. The lore I made here was all specified to be mech standard which it is. As you can use redstone, with contributions of string to trigger how many people walk in one certain area, which gives enough pulses to charge up a redstone lamp turning it on. Though again we can make changes to what seems fit, adding or removing to make it more friendly familiar with the two magics co-existing together as what you say with Arcane Evocation and Alteration. I have added you on Skype Kala if you wish to discuss ^_^
  11. Though I think we all got a bit confused, I just wish to address. I would've only learn this "magic" if it was accepted(Since it is already Mech Standard you can RP it) if no one stood up to the plate and thought "Hey this is a cool idea to add into a current existing magic" such as what BNK and Kala suggested above, so I had no intention of learning it, if someone stood up and said "Good idea!", ect on what I said above. That being said if BNK or Kala suggests this lore is not wanted by the mix as what they suggested above of Arcane and Enchanting(?) than I will simple change it to Jistuma's idea of being alchemy materials, ect. So the choice is yours! (Hope you understand!)
  12. First, if you look at Heero's comment he did say the big bad F-word. Second, Alteration cannot 'collect' mana as the lore does state that if within a ward. The magic I have suggested if called magic, simple collects mana, not "confuse" as what Alteration does, though it has no effect besides that as what a ward can, ect. This stated it goes to fuel and power enchantments, it cannot create an mana battery(storing mana). Which makes it different from what you suggest. With this, could I please ask for the lore on " Obelisks " it seems I cannot find it.
  13. For the first reason, it is a way to refuel enchantments without the need of someone being and doing something, as a example I used, enchanted lights. Connect the starting mana node to one of the lights and than pass that with more mana wires to than could power the city of lights, other examples can follow. Other magic by it seems does not have a automatically system, whilst obelisks are on the server they need to be contained and constantly refueled through, this offers a more simple way of doing things. Dispute the waiting times (Which is why the lore is in WIP, give suggestions on how to help), you do not have to be there and wait for it to be 'created' it could already of been made prior and just needs to be attached. If you have a home full of mana wires and nodes, they will slowly drain 1% of your mana each minute. To than the mana can be used to re-power enchantments. Again this is WIP so you can help change this. With that being said to your second point. Of the "time" once more, they could already be prepared, or it is time for your character to escape. The making of the magic takes a while for the large effect it can do. With that in place, you don't need to wait since it isn't all about "Torture" or "Binding" others to make it work. Also to the comment of the cuss, I recommend you try to keep it down, or none at all even when mixed in a sentence or not directed at someone, this is still a PG-13 server.
  14. Care to place a suggestion of name? Besides the word node? Erhm... "Cell"? So it would be, Mana Cell? Edit: I also couldn't find any lore on the name "nodes" so you could be going into RL science into this? Not to question it, but I am confused on where the word or name "Node" was taken from.
  15. I used the word nodes, for no apparent reason but the name nodes, not since nodes are infinite mana sources, so please do not go scientific knowledge on what a node is, when it was just used as a simple name. Though thank you for your comment.
  16. Please if you have any helpful comments on how I can improve this! Please comment! :D Change - log ---Created and posted lore--- ---Edited lore to remove magic aspect and replace with materials---
  17. (Currently WIP) Mana Weaving Mana Weaving is a simple concept, mana nodes and mana wires are used through this process. What the mana nodes do is collect mana from the surroundings, while the mana wires take the collected mana and transport it to another node to than the starting node. A graph is here to represent that. With the mana collected this way and taken to the starting node, it can be released into the open air/room or it can be used to repower enchanted items. With this in place, you do not need to go back to the enchanter to repower the enchanted item you have received but go to the mana node starting point and allow that to repower the enchanted item. ~Mana node simple details~ A mana node is an area that illuminates when working. They can only work within a five block radius around the user, they will also affect the caster. The mana node will “turn on” when an object of mana is around them by illuminating a soft glow of selected colour. A mana node will never stop it’s mana collection and will always continue even with the caster not present. Mana nodes will decay after three real life days if no mana is collected from it. Mana nodes can work when underground but only one block away besides five. The closer you are to a mana node the more of an affect on the drain will happen. If a large populated area has mana nodes around them besides collecting from a single mana area it will distribute around to collect Mana nodes can collect all the mana in a individuals body if they are around it too long (4 irl hours) ~How mana nodes are created~ A mana node is created by concentration and time. Through the first stage of creating the mana node, they will start out as a mana wire, though a weaker form of it, having starting in a web like substance they are thin and weak, you can replicate this process over and over until you get a wired type substance this is the first stage, where you created a mana wire. With the created mana wire, you then need to replicate the process creating more and more of the mana wires before you begin to form them together in a process of fusion, these will create a bubbled effect with a small flash of light in your hands with the object in your hand. With your mana node created it will start to collect mana, though it will spit it right back out and your body would naturally absorb it due to no mana wires collecting the mana by the mana node. ~Mana Nodes and Mana Wires~ The mana wires and nodes will always have a stickable substance like web, though it can be easily broken unless concentrated longer. With this in place, a mana wire is like if you consider a copper wire, which can carry a electric current. Though an electric current has to go somewhere or it just releases it, which is why it goes back to the starting node. With this in place, a mana node needs to have a mana wire so it can transport the mana collected to the starting node to than release the mana out. The way the process works is having the same compounds as each other to allow the path being traveled by a kinetic force on each railing, think of it as a heartbeat, the starting node is the brain, the other nodes are the heartbeats. A mana wire can easily be broken with a tug, unless they have banded together to strengthen the hold. This can be done with concentrating and overlaying constant mana wires, you can use this also to protect the mana node by covering it, the mana node will still be effective by five blocks around them. When the illumination occurs it glows within a certain colour, be it the aura of the person or the mana flows colour naturally which is a bright blue. ~What happens if you grasp a mana wire~ When you take hold of a mana wire, it will not drain you unless you come across a mana node which one will always be near, with this mana wire and mana node coming close to each other and when you grasp the wire/node you will feel a considerable mana drain out of your body, though it won’t take any real effect unless you hold it for longer than twenty (irl) minutes. When you take hold of the mana wire/node your aura colour will shine against it illuminating the whole wire and the node around, with this in place it can also project a happy memory for yourself out of the mana collected with your aura. This might tease you to hold onto the mana wire/node for a longer time. In time when you hold over the mana wire/node it will begin to feel like it has been attached to you, with this the wire/node will continue to drain your mana but you will feel a sort of uncaring or sadness inside of you for an unknown reason, even if a happy memory is projected a small bit of sadness with be inside. ~Overlapping the mana wires/nodes~ When you overlap the mana wires either by themselves or around the node, on a big basis they can represent the strength of a thin rope. With this you can bind someone up and allow the nodes to drain in a slow amount of the mana vessel, though the “rope” can easily be broken, if you are under the influence of the mana collection for longer than 20-30 (IRL) minutes than it would begin to get harder, and harder to resist. Saying this, you can bind someone or hold someone for “power house” of mana collecting to transfer the mana to another place. With that being stated you cannot move the person as a “lead” with the mana nodes in place as they cannot be moving further than three blocks away from the stationary starting mana node. That being said you can make a man/women bound to a area, but unable to move them without breaking the connection of the mana node/wire. This being stated a easier way to bind someone with a mana wire/node with overlapping them can be this example: With this example it can show how the mana wires/nodes would work to make sure the person is stationary while you collect the mana from them, this being said the more mana nodes around the person the faster the collection, though it will still take, 20-30 (IRL) minutes to drain them making it harder for them to resist the mana wires/nodes though it will still take 4 (IRL) hours to completely collect all the mana. ~How to Place the Mana Wires and Nodes~ A simple way on how to place the mana wires and nodes can be with your concentrated points, with this you never physically place the wire and nodes but use the magic consisted with it to place them. With this the mana node and wire will deal no damage and feel like “silly string” if it lands on someone. The mana node will take full effect when created and mixed with the mana wires. ~How many mana Nodes and Wires can you make?~ The amount of mana nodes and wires you can make are up to you! Though you can make only one starting mana node(per circuit), Though the their is no cap on how many mana nodes and wires you can produce, there is a cap on how far it can stretch from the starting node on wards. With this being said you can only stretch the mana nodes and wires from the starting node by sixty blocks! Though a warning you can only make one starting mana node for every circuit, that being said you cannot make two starting mana nodes with the same mana circuit that has an starting mana node already attached to it. With this being stated every starting mana node you make the block radius of it will shrink each time by twenty, So the first sixty, the second forty, the third twenty. So you can only make three starting mana nodes! ~What you can do with the released mana~ Though you cannot consume the mana yourself (For you know the reasons why), you cannot physically move the mana, but you can guide it, not for long though. The mana guided this way needs to be away from the person that you collected it from or it might just re-enter that body. That being stated what you CAN do with the mana is re-empower enchanted objects to give them a “turn on” switch when they shut off, or a longer time period to when that happens depending on how much mana you’ve collected. This being stated if you use it on a currently enchanted object, it could give it a benefit such as if a ward, you can increase the current wards strength. If it is an enchanted weapon, you can give it extra strength (The bow strength not the arrow), if a sword the same affect (Not more damage, but harder to break), empower the enchanted lights that light your streets! and so on. ~What is the cost of using Mana Weaving?~ That being said the materials to create such a mana nodes/wires are: -Obsidian- -Grinding bowl- -Grounding bowl- -forge fire- -redstone- -string- With these materials, if you learn how to mix them all together through a theme of: 1) Grounding the obsidian up to small chunks. 2) Grinding the obsidian up to a small powder. 3) Finding and melting to fuse each obsidian point together. 4) Same process again but with redstone mixed. 5) Overlaying and wrapping string over to form a stick-able substance. You can only create one at a time!, The time scales show here. Five minutes (Irl) for a starting mana node. Three minutes (Irl) for a mana node. Thirty Seconds (Irl) for a mana wire. Now, with all this said! You will have to when the mana node/wire is created placing them down one at a time, so after you finish making place it down to make another. When the mana node or wire is placed, they cannot be moved. So if you store them in your inventory, they cannot be taken out and used- unless you want to break the node or wire. (Think of the strength of ripping a normal plastic shopping bag to break it, harder when it goes on) ------ ~How much mana can be collected each minute of an individual?~ Every one minute, (Irl) it takes 1% of your mana supply. with this stated, it distributes over if there are more than one close by, so if you have two people, it is 0.5% of mana each minute, and keeps splitting. Which is why high populated areas will hardly feel any effect! --------- Pros: -Material used to combat RP not PvP -A material that can have many possibilities and increase RP count! -A way to refuel your enchanted items! -Giving a lightning. -RP only material, no pvp advantage. Cons: -Takes time to make the mana wires/nodes -Collects and throws away your mana, mage or not everything has it. -The mana wires/nodes can be placed underground making them un-see-able but less effective! Thank you for reading!
  18. Just to note, two people currently have learnt blood magic already, originally. One of them is the admin Urasept, he didn't want the magic to be spread out, so try to contact him about this- due to it can have a direct directive towards him. That being said I am not going to post my thought on if it should be implemented or not.
  19. If I could make a quick suggestion, remove life-drain. The reason why, is since mana is within all living things, not only mages- so if through the bite as you've listed can drain mana, it leaves the individual to be weakened not only mentally but physically making it hardly ever a option to fight back, with this in place you can remove life-drain since that is all that it really is, similar affects though life-drain has potential to kill the victim. Where mana draining does not. Now with this a added Pro. Pros: -Not taking life-drain from necromancy. -Having your own mana drain. -Spiders bite=Painful + Mana Drain. Cons: -Can be interrupted more easily. -People have a fighting chance. -Enhance of role play potential! -- The way I am thinking of this, is giving the player the potential to counter said bite, to give this a added weakness though also a unique possibility. --
  20. Online Relationships are confusing XD, though they are within real life is well.

    1. hjgklmn0ajuvxc
    2. Gunner
    3. E__V__O


      Relationships are confusing, that is all I really wanted to say. :P

  21. Through the new generation to come, society has been able to accept homosexuality between both genders, though some people are still "threatened" about homosexuality actually being out there. A strange world we live in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. E__V__O


      Now Spam- It is not about the grammar or the way it was written it is about the message that you get from it.

    3. Korvic


      I can't read, no message received.

    4. aron.


      I literally couldn't understand the message I was supposed to get from it, because I couldn't understand the grammar.

  22. I was stuck in the shower for 10 minutes... The door jammed and made out of glass so I had to slowly 'push' the door without breaking the glass >_> So hard when you just had the shower and all wet I_I

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