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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by E__V__O

  1. I don't really know anymore... people hate me on LoTC and won't allow anything of which I offer or even reply to when I ask something important... People hate me as others have claimed and now I am finally thinking it is true.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TornadoWatch
    3. Αμφίονας


      People either1. hate for a reason->you need to correct something

      2.->no reason->you should start trying to care less for their opinion(hard option but necessary)

      3.If despite your self critisism you can not find the root of the problem and they can not ,as well, provide you with one then there is again little you can do.

    4. E__V__O


      I am not letting myself down, I am quite beyond that to be in fact, it is just that the hatred to gathering towards myself as now I know it is their and not joking around.

      Thing is little I can do yes... Little a GM can do... Little a admin can do... Only the people that perform these acts can do something to try and fix themselves.

  2. I cannot post anything within the forums, is it possible for someone to fix this?.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pum!


      o.0 Whenever the captcha thing comes up for me, I just fill it out and continue and everything works. It seems other people are having trouble, though.

    3. Praetor


      Some of us actually have the captcha page...Without a captcha. :p And I tried that Lago

    4. Praetor


      Looks like it's fixed for me.

  3. I would think this is the merge or balance between, the drug nickname "Weed" as everyone would know what that is, with a very low hallucinogenic fungus, Aka: Toadstool. Although if you want to be plain with detail... "Cactus Green + Red Mushroom = This
  4. For people who have me on League, don't click any links, my account was randomly hacked to which point it is sending out information... don't click the link please, or the same would be done to you.

  5. Is it me thinking of bioshock here?... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGDwfl7CZ14 --==-- Apart from this very good lore :D
  6. Gathering all role play locations that should have fungi growing, and making event plans out of them >_>

  7. You will know by a tick or a cross next to the name if accepted or denied, Although no the fungi in the witch woods don't have a growth hormone it is the area that they are in with the nutrients which makes them grow this size and it wouldn't affect everything around it besides other fungi even if it did, so these have to be unique fungi unlike anything else to mutate within the waters, so lore needs to be created for the mushroom/fungi in the witch woods of which you say, to describe the mutation.
  8. If I can firstly ask where did you come up with this idea?, as from my memory these sound like the magical beasts off a Anime... Other than that I can see improvements for the lore although I won't go into them.
  9. I would presume that you should do this as I stated beforehand, before you say this lore is complete... although again I am no judge.
  10. I will not be returning to this post about lich matters, please try to send me a PM if you wish to further discuss, thank you.
  11. If this is even considered you would have to make lore for the mushroom/fungi that altered the water to create such beasts.
  12. I would state one thing quickly, the phylactery or 'soul gem' lore you read was only a piece of the set... Now what I am referring to as a soul would be a spirit or a ghost, since. Soul-Spirit-ghost Spirit-ghost-Soul Ghost-Soul-Spirit. They are just other words to describe the other. Although when the phylactery breaks yes, the soul is scattered although their are snippets missing from everyone that I cannot open to the public... although it can be possible that a mage or greater it power to collect the soul all together again and that could make a ghost as stated here with reasons... although that is why I am asking the lore creator if that is possible, Kalenz if you wish for further information I can tell you privately.
  13. I would just like to wonder, if a soul, spirit or 'ghost' on how you place it. Could one of these be a lich from afterlife if the soulgem breaks the soul/spirit/ghost is realized back into the floating realm. Is it possible for them to become a ghost or do the people have to be living?.
  14. My flame is almost out.

  15. With the wraiths, would they have events in other timezones or in other cases to fit others in other timezones, Such as an Aussie myself there have been or tried to have any RP events for the non-American players since Early Asulon and that was with Freya. On the other hand of this if a non-American does apply and is in another timezone would the events be beneficial to them or others around?. Or would that be a no to everything I just said here?.
  16. (( Sorry that I will be picky here... With this, will there be information coming that shows how these beings where created?, What drives them, how was the world that they live in created?, How did they find Anthos?, Do they have a reason for all this?, Are they run by a Daemon?, did the creator make these begins?, How did they start up?, Would they have there own unique magick?. (illusion?), Will all the lore detailing everything be released Will there be more information on them coming out soon?. Yes I know these sound like good antagonists, although what are they?... we need something to at least help us in OOC. ))
  17. I love how people think I am still Evark or my other characters are like EVARK, I only have to say this. . . I am not Evark nor have any character like him, None of my other characters are villainous. . . SO please for the love of RP, stop metagamming and ignoring my RP, I am sick and tired of this. . . No one that knew Evark no longer RP's with me

    1. E__V__O


      All since they think I have a character like him, Just stop. . . I don't and Rp like you would. . . Stop MetaGamming things

    2. Gunner
  18. Soon the fate of Evark will come. . . Just let the tears fall as they wrap around a endings whisper

  19. I hoped everyone enjoyed the Mini Event I created with the Malinor camp by burning half of the chapel, THANK you all for helping and participating,

    1. LPT


      crazy liche

    2. Ford


      Can’t you make some fun mini-events that /don’t/ have you burning down something or destroying it?!

  20. Why are my posts getting deleted an hour later?.

    1. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      No one likes you.


    2. Ever


      Seems like the forum got hit by two rollbacks

  21. I'm good at RolePlaying. . . although bad at writing applications to anything. . . it was a fluke that I got accepted to this server since my app was horrid. . . I never get accepted applications for anything. . . that is why I try not to do them although it does come to that sometimes. . . Applications >.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _SteelMemes_
    3. Goldd


      TTWESTEN I am the exact same thing. My app was just beyond horrid and it barely passed. I am terrible at apps, but pretty okay at roleplay.

    4. shiftnative


      What if all of the questions were situational, and more about how you would respond to rp? You could mention this to VA members if you think its a good idea ;p

  22. Both, if one does not have the magic experience to perform magic in that kind of way then you would not be able to hold you're bones and collaspe

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