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Status Updates posted by Rusty7x

  1. has awaken with a hangover. Feels like death. Still needs to study for exam!

    1. CowsGoMoo


      At least you didn't wake up with a baby in your closet and a lion in your bathtub.

    2. gabriel101x1


      ^ Happened to me :(

  2. Have to admit, rather disappointed

  3. Haven't seen you in a while. Why?

  4. Hey look its MediocreGamer. Sign my breasts?

  5. Hey this is crazy, but I just met you. Post your opinion, so I can slate you! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/57349-euro-2012-banter-hub/

  6. Hi new user!

  7. I am a VIP yet I still use 'Free Blade' because this server is my bro!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Same here, my bearded brotha!

    3. abxyxx


      Whats Freeblade?

    4. KoTo


      *only has VIP blade...

  8. I expect the English to be singing this http://youtu.be/Fezz7pfwjos whilst destroying the Italians today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ever
    3. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      These new gms have no souls ;3

    4. Garet867


      do they have the stones to go with them?

      and also how are you alowed to have the gif of the guy getting up and the caption is "thats a p*n*s"

  9. I give you armour today.

  10. I heard that you smell. Not saying who told me but yeah...

  11. I know we're stylish, but I never knew that much. Everyone just wants to be like us.

  12. I know you were Lunavara so i didn't kill lol :P My character will kill anyone thtat talks bad about him or his family though so beware!

  13. I like making new friends.

  14. I listen to Disney music whilst I write posts.

    1. Lym


      So, I take it you like Star Wars Sequels as well?

    2. Religious_Pie


      I c wat u did thar.

  15. I really wish that the Dynamic Map would be updated more often!

    1. shiftnative


      It has been rendered, I would've done it last night but our downtime was lengthy - and Ive been out of town for 4 days !~

  16. I saw you visited my profile. Is it true, thou art back?

  17. I think that this lag needs to be sorted

  18. I wish there were more maritime events on LOTC

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