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Status Updates posted by ryno2

  1. down with the empire


    1. Maury


      KLOMP DA PINKIEZ! Grugi squeals, pumping his tiny fists against his chest and headbutting an Olog.

    2. Inferno_Ougi
  2. getting off work early today

  3. All I can say right now is that I'm very remorseful concerning what I did. Also, I apologize for how abruptly in the IC sense that I was removed. I will make an appeal next saturday or sunday, I think, but I've a feeling it won't be accepted. If it gets denies, I won't complain; it's the consequences of my actions.

    1. Jarkarll


      Da fuq did you do now?

  4. be back in about an hour, bro-hams

  5. going party hopping tonight~ I'll get to skin requests and PM conversations as soon as I can.

    1. ryno2


      Also, 2000 views on mah profile. w00t.

  6. Back in 8 or 9 days, bro-hams~

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Bye! Panda will miss you a lot T^T

  7. so how are all you guys doin'?

  8. now time to watch Avengers

    1. Wheatley


      You don't watch Avengers, you EXPERIENCE it.

  9. coming home tomorrow, bro-hams~

  10. the flat lands of the midwest aren't really my style. glad to be back in the foot hills~

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda loves mountains ^ ^

  11. going on another hiatus today

    1. ryno2


      ...unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful

  12. 9999 profile views...

    1. ryno2


      Welp, nevermind then

  13. on the way home - I know you guys have missed my sultry voice over TS~

  14. I swear I'm gonna rope my band teacher into doing this next year:

    1. Brevias


      And so it has been declared by our Supreme Overlord Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

  15. had the pleasure of seeing a pair of flashing blue lights in my rearview this morning. dealing with that is gonna be fun

    1. Aptrotta


      maybe it was my dad, wait no, he took the day off. goodluck

  16. I'm semi-back. the korean game I've been playing is getting stale. I'll hang around on TS, mainly being a devil's advocate for things that seem like bunk to me.

  17. merry christmas, lonely internet-dwellers

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is t lonely with all of you here!!

  18. first day back: calc worksheet and 40-minute essay. this is gonna be just great

  19. so I hear human builders are an endangered species

  20. Lord forgive my fickle faith, I beg of thee to keep me protected, for you are a might stronghold through which nothing may penetrate.

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