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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Raptorious

  1. Those in the Creative Cafe now know why I am the God of Voices.

  2. I was betrayed by my father.

  3. One does not simply play minecraft and say he has a life.....

  4. I ran the Smiths.... Nobody else...

  5. I'm using Hawks modpack how do I change my skin?

  6. My valentine and I have been together for 16 years strong. She's like a right hand to me now

  7. OMG people try reading about the server before trying to apply for it...."was the sole survivor in a battle against demons in his village"....*facepalm

  8. OMG people try reading about the server before trying to apply for it...."was the sole survivor in a battle against demons in his village"....*facepalm

  9. OMG people try reading about the server before trying to apply for it...."was the sole survivor in a battle against demons in his village"....*facepalm

  10. OMG people try reading about the server before trying to apply for it...."was the sole survivor in a battle against demons in his village"....*facepalm

  11. Three Hours till Livesteam, pick your Medieval II: Total War Faction that I should begin a Campaign with!

  12. VIP's lost bridge and gate permissions?

  13. VIP's lost bridge and gate permissions?

  14. in need of someone with signature talents. Anyone here up for it?

  15. in need of someone with signature talents. Anyone here up for it?

  16. Dear Ban Reports, If you're trying to prove your innocence it's probably not a good idea to respond to opposition with anger. Sincerely, D

  17. I think that this server would benefit greatly if battles were emoted instead of mc battled :/

  18. I think that this server would benefit greatly if battles were emoted instead of mc battled :/

  19. Is it me, or has OOC, Gone O.O

  20. God, I love this server, so much =3


  22. Just saw quite possibly the most disturbing thread, glad it was removed as quickly as it was.

  23. We are having VAT movie night with LotR. YOU ARE ALL SO JELLY.

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