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Status Replies posted by Bucky_24

  1. I personally don't see why people would PvP lone golems to death. They're insanely valuable "alive".

  2. #KaisForSalvus

  3. That difficult decision when you want to play a character like Deadpool, but don't want everyone to think you're just being a Troll....

  4. I'd tell you a chemistry pun, but the all of the good ones argon.

  5. I still think you shouldn't be able to sprint in Iron Armour

  6. I don't even understand how some folks really have fun on this game anymore the way conspiracy theories and ill will is thrown about.

  7. Villians these days after getting cut up. http://i.imgur.com/fZoLr8I.gif

  8. Time to be a special snowflake, what college wants to accepted a whitewash, mentally disabled Olog into their school for some learnin'?

  9. The heart wants what it wants: an endless supply of human blood.

  10. I need an Admin to approve of the following character idea: An Olog with wings. Please and thank you.

  11. How does one make their mage stand out from the crowd and appear powerful?

  12. Is there a guide for roleplaying people with crippling mental health problems like Schizophrenia? Just looking for some tips!

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the last two skills added to the plug-in in Asulon?

  14. Some teachers are just ignorant. Got my personal laptop in class to do a research project xD Looks like I'll be on the forums for the next hour and a half.

  15. Could the fm/gm who removed my topic please explain why in a pm?

    1. Bucky_24


      So... we can bash each other all day long about being terrible RPers or how something is going wrong (Antag issues >.<) but as soon as someone talks about homosexuals, its a big no-no?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  16. "I would rather game with Craig, than spend one minute trying to set up an X-box live account." Best quote ever.

  17. Is it against the rules to apply to the server after already being accepted for 2 years? I'm just curious how hard it is to get accepted. If it is, I'll just post it in the off-topic :P

  18. So, when the 1700's IG hit, I imagine the LM's will keep us eating dirt and working without steam and inventions?

  19. Much disappoint in new antag. Used to be fun, but now. Don't even know what to think.

  20. Much disappoint in new antag. Used to be fun, but now. Don't even know what to think.

  21. Heial needs a small weapon to throw telekinetically. Any ideas?

  22. this community circlejerks a lot

  23. What's wrong with special snowflakes?

    1. Bucky_24


      I iz confuzzled. Aren't all snowflakes special? So aren't people being redundant when calling you a 'special' snowflake?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  24. Can someone explain to me how a character becomes a Priest Healer? It seems you are blessed by your god/patrons? What makes your character special from the dozens of other characters who pray constantly?

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