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Status Replies posted by Bucky_24

  1. Where is everyone at? Just a lonely Dark Elf looking for some RP...

  2. When a large raiding party goes past your house, you do the logical thing.....and invite them all in for tea!

  3. why no deadline for 4.0 builds?

    1. Bucky_24


      Anthos was my favorite map. It did some things right. Just not everything...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. If someone can't kill someone via game mechanics, why should they claim to be able to through emotes?

    1. Bucky_24


      I think we should just have Dungeons and Drakes in-game again. There everyone can get their fill of Roll-fighting/roleplay-ception, then PvP in the 'real world'

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. If someone can't kill someone via game mechanics, why should they claim to be able to through emotes?

    1. Bucky_24


      Okay Yls, I'll admit. You got me with the Architect example. It makes sense imo. I like PvP Default for medium to large scale (6+). But 1v1 and the like... It doesn't seem as personal to me. A possible climax battle between a lich and a swordsman is over in 12 seconds.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  6. If someone can't kill someone via game mechanics, why should they claim to be able to through emotes?

    1. Bucky_24


      If someone can't kill you in RP, why should they be able to do it in PvP?

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. Forum RP is awesome! :P

    1. Bucky_24


      Come on guys, Skype RP is superior to Forum RP and barely secondary to MC RP.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. I wonder if anyone has ever tried to play an Albino Dark Elf.

  9. Huge storm in Central N.Y. Two Tornados. Apparently the bigger one is heading towards me and 20 miles away. Wish me luck.

  10. Yes, server. I'm guilty. Guility. Is that what you want to hear? 'You admit you griefed on the server?' 'No. Of that I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I'm guilty of being an orc.' @Grool's ban

  11. I am waiting for the day somebody plays a fat fully clothed dark elf rather than a sick half naked dark elf :)

    1. Bucky_24


      I would say the same as Disco. Vuln was a hard working farmer who volunteered as a guard for a nice tavern, was fully clothed, was developing a family, and had a love for whittling/toy making. Darn you racial stereotypes!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Whelp, tornado. If I don't make it, it has been a pleasure rping with you guys.

    1. Bucky_24


      I guess you could say, He's a little bit twisted :D

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. So apparently the rules on various things such as rape, pedophelia and beastiality were...removed...odd,...cant' find em anywhere :o mistake or intentional?

  14. What's the first online game that you ever played? I can tell you, I was happily surprised when I figured out that Runescape connects you with people all over the world.

  15. What's the first online game that you ever played? I can tell you, I was happily surprised when I figured out that Runescape connects you with people all over the world.

  16. Can everyone cut the trolling and spamming. Forums is chaotic enough at the moment.

  17. Can everyone cut the trolling and spamming. Forums is chaotic enough at the moment.

  18. I am on no one's side, and I realize that evidence outside of LotC mediums cannot be used, but c'mon... >.>

  19. #SnowshovelVSCorruption2014

  20. #UnbanKnox2014 (Deja vu..)

  21. in my country there is problem

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