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The Cleaning Crew

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by The Cleaning Crew

  1. 8/10 You're around quite a bit lately.
  2. lolwut
    1. Miquill


      AWESOME! I watched Iron Baby too

  3. I should start watching this again.

    1. EmeraldStag


      It is AMAZING!!!!!!! Love the Series.

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. Temp


      ... Fail does not properly depict this issue.

    3. Amorphbutt


      I wonder how to do this... OH I KNOW! Let's stab a hole through it!

  4. Huh. Good idea, posting this. Hopefully, people will actually visit the Game Mechanics section.
  5. Perhaps it's time for me to make a new character. What do you think I should be?

  6. Song of the day.

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      That is one talented fish.

  7. Second song of the day; Bonus: Animation

  8. Bah, the comments are no great loss. We have all the accepted requests on record.
  9. Perhaps it would be cleaner to delete this topic, post its contents in a new post and reserve, say, four posts after the original, just to be safe.
  10. Oops, forgot the song of the day. I'll do two tomorrow to make up for it.

  11. It's friday and I have no plans whatsoever. I need ideas for stuff to do, guys.

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