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Status Replies posted by Falks

  1. How do I farm wheat? Whenever I attempt to do as so I get nothing from it.

  2. So many things have changed. It looks like the server has moved in a positive direction, and I'm really happy about that,

  3. it's almost like the staff want to work with people they like. madness right.

  4. I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about with this Lore Admin thing. You've got two possible options: the new admin does a good job and the Lore Team becomes active or the new admin doesn't and it stays inactive. The only way is up.

  5. In two hours I have to awake and go to school. Mmmm, I can already taste the eggs.

    1. Falks


      heyyy.. don't come braggin to me.. i had oatmeal.. damn youu :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. XXX Juliet XXX quickscopes like a 420 skrub

  7. Those SM Apps... If you are Dane you'll get it.

  8. Server restart, need doing. Much please. Do now. Thanks

    1. Falks


      much amaze. such gramma. wow

      Doge <3

  9. My mouse died, I can't play any games :'(

    1. Falks


      Omg ;( Rip.. I feel for you... I lost a headset 2 months ago.. My heart still hurts

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. 3 nations , rougly 100 soldiers to kill 7 flays, 3 flays survived. Epic win

    1. Falks


      You don't even lift brawh you don't even lif brah~~~


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. All that strange Halloween stuff.. Bwagh! We got Fastelavn... We kill cats and stuff. We're not tossing toilet paper around. :P

    1. Falks


      yeaa... we danes used to be pretty messed uppp....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. All that strange Halloween stuff.. Bwagh! We got Fastelavn... We kill cats and stuff. We're not tossing toilet paper around. :P

    1. Falks


      don't kill catssss they're cuteeee :/


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. i guess i will go draw something in a sec :I

  14. What game do I buy? GMod, Skyrim, Chivalry or Borderlands 2

    1. Falks


      Skyrim is awesum so is GMod... don't know bout the other things... but my friend told me that borderlands 2 is awesum too... soooo

      i would... flip a coin ^_^

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. *slightly slow kid voice* I liek sthoup do you liek sthoup?

  16. Dat Showyourself post... :P Creepomanic mode activated.

  17. Check out the LotC meetups thread if you want to know where to meet this sexy beast. http://imgur.com/pjSo4

  18. Does anyone want to RP one of Goliaths five children?

    1. Falks


      Maybe... can you give me a link or Pm the information to me... I just want to know some more things before i say yes

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Well! Turns out a stupid friend of mine is going to release a ban report on me for 'raiding' his house on a factions server, and other things totally unrelated to LoTC. Stay tuned~!

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