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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by K33MST4R

  1. Oh for anyone wondering, I wasn't banned for bad behavior, I just asked Native to ban me after I decided to go on Hiatus

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Slic3man


      Have a nice break in the mean time Skelefriend~

    4. Slic3man


      Welcome back from your break my skelefriend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AllenTheGreat


      Accepted, Revoked, Denied, Blacklisted, Banned, Unbanned, Permabanned.

    3. K33MST4R
    4. Lym


      How about we just ip ban him?

  2. Killing my characters off in forum RP cause I'm banned

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FAVORITE CHAR ALIVE! Trust me on this one.

  3. I am Jake Tyler Sullivan, AKA CreeperSlayer999, I was a Flay, and a magic user, adios world of Lotc, see you some other time (and before I leave I have to confess that I'm the one who sold out Flay and got them all singlehandedly banned)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Drelik


      I hope your having fun, dancing around house vold with yourself, knowing you got people who trusted you and wanted to befriend you banned. Best of luck.. so much i want to say i'll regret later. Time to go vent to my neighbors.

    3. Drelik


      Came back to rage, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFf

    4. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      After seeing this during a random browse, I am highly disgusted as to your treatment of this player in this status update. Therefore, I shall "award" forum warnings to all posts which I think look flammatory. These warnings can be appealed should you provide a sufficiant reason.

  4. If I suddenly go inactive, I've killed myself, not doing this for attention, just thought someone should know

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bungo


      Err, This seems to be a problem.

    3. Eyrev


      Bro, talk about it with me.

    4. Eyrev


      Bro, talk about it with me.

  5. That moment. Where absolutely everything goes to **** for your character

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skippy
    3. Drelik


      didnt you betray flays or something, whats this house vold

    4. K33MST4R


      It's not xD

      Godfrey basically told me to make a house that's not named Flay, so I did. THATS IT

  6. Just saw Qatar *looks for Mogroka*

    1. ΚΨΙΞ



  7. Freya is the best GM ever,

    1. Samoblivion


      Pff, kiss-ass. Jk, Freya's awesome.

    2. Lym


      -glances at the Favourite Staff Member Poll-

      Uuuuuuuuh jaaaaaaah~

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is too scared to come in contact with GMs

  8. Hello my friends, I'm trying again to make the FM team, if any of you think I'd make a good FM or if you hate me and have negative feedback, feel free to check my app out and post your thoughts : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/64295-creeperslayers-fm-application-2/

    1. Goliath
    2. Geo


      How you write when you blind?


    3. K33MST4R


      Seems legitimate

  9. Beyond pissed right now, one of my favourite RPers, and some of the best RP experiences I've ever had on this server, now have to voided. Why can't anything be simple?

  10. Just wanted to say that I love you guys, you're all awesome

  11. At first I thought you were Rusty7x, I am now disappointed, 6/10 I am. A complete Dumbass. 9/10
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