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Status Updates posted by Goliath

  1. "We Need To Talk About Kevin" ... I advise you watch it. Bring tissues.

  2. "You cannot polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter"

    1. Shoi


      Busted :I Myth Busters did it.

    2. Goliath
    3. gingernut97


      Oh really? We'll see about that! *runs off into the local park, giggling madly*

  3. "Your IP address is flagged unsafe by spamhaus.org/xbl"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm


      Go couple of comments down and read Vardak's.

    3. Goliath


      I ran it, no malicious files detected, still can't access server.

    4. Goliath


      I can access the server again 0.o Strange...

  4. [9:37:11 PM] Goliath: I like that. I posted a status in mid-rage regarding the donator lands and Alan & Sporadic responded like proper chaps and noted my feedback. Not sure why but that's actually restored a bit of my faith in the LotC staff team

    1. Aislin


      The improvement is gradual but it's there.

  5. *rubs his temple.*

  6. *Sigh* Didn't win a prize in the Novella... took me so much time and effort :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorious


      *nudges Goliath* Hey um...those um....those are nice cookies you got there....care to, uh...share em? :D

    3. Goliath


      *nudges raptor* Eh, no, but that SuperSodaPops now has VIP... should we mug him?

    4. Raptorious
  7. *Sigh* I give up. For the first time, I give up.

    1. Eledyr
    2. Sporadic


      Hmm, I considered giving up many times, on many things. Almost each time I decided not to just to proof to myself I could do it.

      Don't regret that decision :)

  8. #Robinforpresident2012

  9. #snowyfieldsandalkfor3.0

  10. | Remember to vote! |

  11. | Remember to vote! |

    1. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      I can't wait until were number 1! Also, I found the I in TEAMWORK! It's hidden in the A! :p

  12. ¦ Remember to vote! ¦

  13. ~Skin Makers~ Want 1000 minas? I have 2 skin requests. PM me!

    1. Gallan


      Me me me! Still needing?

    2. Goliath


      Throw me a PM, I already have them made, but if you do a better job, you get the minas

  14. 1 hour later: Startup repair is still loading...

  15. 109 more profile views until 10,000. I might have a lil' celebration, something to "mark the landmark"

  16. 123 reputation oh yes

    1. Zebanamana


      Ruining that now

    2. Raptorious


      266 Eat your heart out Mr DDOSer.

  17. 13 sleeps until Christmas!

  18. 14 on minestatus! well done guys!

  19. 14th on minestatus.. keep those votes coming!

    1. Skippy


      Pretty sure we were 12...

    2. Raptorious


      16th now :<

    3. Goliath


      Well... Due to it being an hour or so since I posted, its liable to change.

  20. 2 exams tomorrow... any 'Of Mice and Men' experts out there?! Or even someone whos good at business!? D:

    1. Aandie


      Economics is easy and what about "Of mice

      and men?

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