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Status Updates posted by legoman144

  1. wheres the battle at?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ayresalex
    3. legoman144


      I give up, I ask in rp noone answers, I ask in ooc I get raged at.

    4. CloakandDagger


      Unless your at the battle you have a slim chance of other people knowing where the battle is.

  2. Big thanks for everyone involved with the awsome yeti rp!

  3. Back from the wonderful world of tekkit.

  4. The one time I leave my house just to get meat cooked and I get killed by people just for teh lootz

  5. Too. Many. Iron. Tools. Not. Enough. Chests.

  6. killed ghast with own fireball by deflecting it with fist. Chuck Norris?

    1. Kirrekith


      No they would die before Chuck even entered the nether :3

    2. CowsGoMoo



      Minecraft Physics.

  7. Headache...why you no allow me to do things...

  8. Back from camp.

  9. Arethor trolling is 180% worse than galahar trolling.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. legoman144


      The great pastry war.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Uthor, I was batman there. I think I still have the skin. We should dig up the ban report on us. That run went all the way to the Elves before I ducked behind a tree to change back to my character.

    4. ayresalex
  10. *Just bought 57 diamondz*

    1. Tee-Tree


      I remember I had 2 stacks of diamonds back when I was rich

    2. Skippy


      I'm going to rob you.

  11. Anyone know when the battles supposed to start?

    1. Miquill


      Apparently not today

  12. Not sure if I should risk wearing diamond to battle.

  13. Why am I wearing a hat indoors? The world may never know.

  14. Theres a black bear in my yard eating my dads hummingbird feeders we are not amused...

    1. Lym


      Take pics! :D

  15. Logged in like a baws.

  16. Why do new apps have such short bios? my app had a 5 paragraph long essay :P

    1. everblue2er101


      Most have shorter bios. It's rare to get one with a long one.

  17. Finally finished dawnguard.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Did you enjoy fighting the 2 dragons that come out of the ice? I did, fire weakness ftw!

  18. Why do new players put "I want to join" as an app it makes me sad :(

  19. Stone why you no smelt D:

  20. Did my voting even though on two of the sites my computer derped and made the captcha impossible to read.

  21. Abandoned towns in the wilds always make me a little sad :(

    1. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard

      I want to burn 'em, but I dont have a Va

  22. Just collected magical diamond like a baws.

    1. Neri


      Thanks for reminding me to close the request -facepalm- I completely forgot. Derp.

  23. Its okay, Asulon has a hell of a lot of ruins :3

  24. Someone just died in Karik.

  25. Dat fealing when you go out of your way to give a shop owner their goods back when a glitch didnt pay them and their mad at you D:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. legoman144


      Are you ingame?

    3. imjoebaker


      I hopped off as I am having a BBQ dinner shortly, I'll re-add you to my buddy list when I get on. Add me too - imjoebaker incase you forgot.

    4. legoman144


      Only works if your ingameI believe but ill try.

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