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Status Updates posted by legoman144

  1. How do I kill endermen, every attack is "deflected" D: and im trapped under a tree.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. legoman144


      Are you sure it does damage?

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    4. Serf


      You could either burn it to death, or fight it with a gold weapon.

  2. I need to go and cool down for a bit...

  3. I was just banned for landscarring? If a moderator is reading this could someone show me a picture of what I did? Im sure whatever I did it was unintentional because im usually the one reporting the landscars D:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Wait, what? You were right with what?

    3. legoman144


      For cryin'out loud, I spent hours, bonemealing the area to get the tall grass back when it was all destroyed, I fill in holes in the ground and modreq any landscars I see, and I got banned for logging?!

    4. Viper3X


      I perma-banned you so that you would create an appeal. You will not stay perma-banned. You left tons of floating trees and I have the logs of you doing so. http://imgur.com/a/ZDpBW#0

  4. Server crashed...again...

  5. Walk towards temple, get 3 hit by a massive slime that doesnt render, lose a set of diamond armor and two priceless potions, and to top it off, my stuff get handed out to evryone like candy.

  6. I hereby name thee Serv Crashalot

    1. Strife


      I see what you did there.

  7. Finally Diamond covered oren bandits cxannot out run you :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      ^ That. I'm an archer, and even I don't think its very fair. I wanted archery to be buffed, not made OP :(

    3. BannanaToYou


      100 Blacksmithing does nothing for armour anymore.

    4. Cracker


      im an archer too, and its horrid...

      pvp isnt going to be fun anymore, if people want to rp fight, how about we just turn off pvp instead of this mess

  8. Server has crashed 3 times this week...

  9. *remakes asulon on sp

    1. CTap


      *plays in asulon instead on in sp

    2. legoman144


      *Cant login like a baws

  10. *Dusts off inactive profile* Im back :3!

  11. Minecraft for xbox comes out tomorrow :D

    1. hypercrit


      I hope it's on the store so I don't have to trek to the shop..

  12. Asulon what you got against us wilderness folk?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. legoman144


      Oh really, I have a home in the wilds that will change your look on us forever. *Smugface*

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I have a flint and steel that will change the look of your home in the wilds forever.

    4. legoman144


      One its made of several types of stone, and two theres no fire spread even if it was.

  13. Snoozin' tyme.

  14. Terrible rp right there :P

    1. Valzar


      Hmm. thanks dude,

      most appreciated

    2. legoman144


      I didnt mention names to not be an ******* so leve me alone to vent.

  15. I made The honor role 3 quarters in a row :D

  16. Freya just slayed half the trade forum :O

  17. Guess whos playin minecraft in school right now, this guy :D

  18. Going camping all weekend will be back on monday bai.

  19. Wheat grows too fast *Harvests giant field turns around to smelt some iron* crap... *Harvest field again*

  20. Too...Many...SLIMES!

  21. Spring break just starting for me :D

  22. Manage to log in like a baws.

  23. *Runs out of things to do*

    1. Sorrok


      Different server?

  24. Done my community service for the day :3

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