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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. New Laptop is in. I love it, aside from what Windows 8 did to Skype.

    1. ShameJax


      I have windows 8, just download desktop skype, its the same.

    2. Ford


      Exactly what jax said

  2. New walking dead was amazing. Like seriously.

  3. Ninja-ing around in the city that everybody hates you in... the greatest pastime in the world.

    1. albinofrog


      dude it said when OUT DATED SEVER

      I AM ON 1.2.4

    2. albinofrog


      dude it said when OUT DATED SEVER

      I AM ON 1.2.4

  4. Nooooo They fixed Blacksmithing... :

  5. Now I need a new torture doll.

  6. Nyeh. I should finish my summer work now.

  7. Of cours,e just as I decide to start making a new skin, server gets back up. Oh well, no problems lol

  8. Of course... what should be seen by the public is deleted...

  9. Ok, so, weird internet issue. Every 2-mins or so, I have to reconnect to my network to be able to connect. But sustained connection stuff (Like WoW) works fine as long as I don't go to a loading screen. Any ideas?

  10. Ok. Ille be in-game soon. Ill talk to you then

  11. On a personal note, I accept your apology, but it is in the GM's hands.

    What you did is unacceptable, but I hold no grudges. When you return, though, take note that I will not hesitate to write a ban report if this happens again. If it goes to that, I will not be as forgiving.

  12. On another note, the blacksmithing fixes dont apply to tools...

  13. on my other laptop, making a system restore disk. lets hope i dont screw this up too.

  14. On the way home from Orlando. In Daytona atm.

  15. Only complaint so far: Level req for bandaids

  16. OOC was huanted with ghost messages. Trufax

  17. PC getting repaired today. Yey.

  18. Played FC3 for the first time today. I learned that hitting sharks with a waterski, then diving out to look for them, is a bad idea. A very very bad idea.

    1. Dr. Eggnog
    2. Nononymous


      Worked for me :) Been playing FC3 24/7 on my PS3 since yesterday :3

  19. Player_Interact error seems to be back.

  20. Poked Lucion's shoulder. Got yelled at. So worth it.

  21. PSA - Horses won't teleport across worlds

    1. Lark


      Unless you ride a Spectral Destrider.

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