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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  2. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  3. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  4. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  5. Rp default, bring VA's back.

  6. for example you may be hit by a car else you may be shot

  7. Need your opinion: Do you prioritize your OOC feelings over roleplay? Such as evil cannibal dark elf becomes good and lawful in one day, for OOC reasons. If you put your OOC feelings over your character's story, why?

  8. I feel like i am the only Elf who can actually understand Orcs and also control them.

  9. im gonna try to get all the bandits raiders and big pvpers on the server to do ONE DAY of rp default just to remind everyone how absolutely awful it was

  10. im gonna try to get all the bandits raiders and big pvpers on the server to do ONE DAY of rp default just to remind everyone how absolutely awful it was

  11. ...Where again the the rules does it say 'Pugsying is a permaban' again? :I

  12. ...Where again the the rules does it say 'Pugsying is a permaban' again? :I

  13. ...Where again the the rules does it say 'Pugsying is a permaban' again? :I

  14. "What does it take for a man who has lost everything to finally hit rock bottom? What more could be taken away? Mortality."

  15. Lark is evicting my 6 year old halfling from my house, forcing me to live on the streets. Damn you Lark, DAMN YOU!

  16. Hmm... PS4 or XBox One? ...... or PC? Ya, sticking with PC :)

  17. Lenniel master race or Leanniel peasant?

  18. Once again I get reminded that in the Terms of Service it says basically that you are not subject of freedom of speech and can be surpressed and censored like in any dictatorship. Merely noting that.

  19. People of LOTC. What's your opinion on Perma-killing / keeping a character alive and it's effects on RP?

  20. People of LOTC. What's your opinion on Perma-killing / keeping a character alive and it's effects on RP?

  21. People of LOTC. What's your opinion on Perma-killing / keeping a character alive and it's effects on RP?

  22. I will never post a ban report. I will never post a ban report. I will never post a ban report.

  23. Getting bored with my self-made skins. Anyone wanna take a stab at making a skin for a certain blue elf?

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