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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. Why the hell is everyone learning Hydromancy all of a sudden?

  2. There's no abuse. Follow the raid rules and you won't get banned. We need to be stricter about it. Too many people abuse them and then get pissy when we finally enforce it.

  3. This is why we need to re-write raid rules. But players also need to stop being self-entitled, trolly assholes as well.

  4. elves dun got wrecked m8s

  5. Good news guys! Whoever deleted post, doesnt matter now! I GOT NEW HORSE! AND ITS BETTER! Theo wins, Theo always wins

  6. Just got Halo 4 for free. Is it worth playing or should I just hoard it in my dresser?

  7. Rollback...? Please tell me it isnt that big of one...

  8. It started raining and I turned around to see this coming at me http://gyazo.com/4792a626150ef9e8951980287e783fcf

  9. Necroed a hand and scared a wolf, I am thee most stronk necroamncer ever. Now time to steal life-force from pigs!

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In what order were the settlements of New Oasis, Strigzgoi, Laurelin, Kingston and New Terriko created, from first to last?

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In what order were the settlements of New Oasis, Strigzgoi, Laurelin, Kingston and New Terriko created, from first to last?

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In what order were the settlements of New Oasis, Strigzgoi, Laurelin, Kingston and New Terriko created, from first to last?

  13. I wonder if I should do another Iblees scribble

  14. Dem RP-defaulters were behind this.

  15. The first Renatus official military...The strongest...The most effective...The Elite!

  16. Geo, what's a Scotland?

  17. Installs origin to try out the battlefield beta... finds out you need to have spent over £100 pounds of a crap game or have already pre-ordered battlefield four... great marketing... letting me try out the game AFTER I've given you my money EA... so that's how it is gonna be hmm? THAT'S HOW IT IS GONNA BE? *Grumbles*

  18. This paladin thing is getting quite the publicity. Perhaps one should *shoots all paladins* There we go...

  19. Where might someone go to get large quantites of sand?

  20. Due to everyone mispronouncing my name, I have turned my title into a correct pronunciation of my name.

  21. I hope everyone can forgive me for my atrocious behaviour in the fact I tired to bring up an issue on LotC. Incredibly sorry, and it shan't happen again. I will not try to provide feedback on things that aggravate and annoy many. Good night all.

  22. Should I be concerned I watched through all the cutscenes in halo 4 twice in one sitting?

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