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Everything posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. Until all of a sudden...

    1. Ford


      His eyes burst into song.

  2. Yeah, the White Rose have already settled themselves in an antagonistic position.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Temp


      Regardless of what's thought, antagonist lore already exists. If I'm not mistaken.

    3. Jarkarll


      Clearly, we don't shoot lightning out of our hands. We don't qualify.

    4. Joe_Blackman


      Nah, not server-wide, I'm just saying, in my eyes, they've put themselves in an

      antagonistic position, not server-wide.

      Though, I can see them slowly constructing themselves to a server-wide antagonist position.

  3. Geo is banned...? Uhm, pardon my eyes?

  4. I just had an INFINITY-SOME before the server closed down.

  5. Why can I not talk in any channel whatsoever?

  6. asterisk, asterisk asterisk, elipses, elipses, characters, characters. Boredom. Boredom. Boredom.

  7. I really want to know... what sort of advantage do the humans have against the elves during this genocide...?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brandonthegreat1


      ^Im talking about the elves if you dident notice...just to clarify!

    3. everblue2er101


      Yeah, the Elves will require allies. As well as high ranking Human traitors to help their cause. Not that that's going to, uh, happen. But it could. Might. Maybe.

    4. Brandonthegreat1


      ever..we would need to think of who the other races would side with..hard to determine I should think, and in essence we elves could just hide..or/and run from any and everything that trys to harm us and just wait out the people trying to kill us

  8. Why do the Helghan sound so British?

    1. Samoblivion


      Because when you think of a badass totalitarian regime, you can't help but think of us ;)

  9. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale : Acquired!

    1. gingernut97


      Super Smash Bros Brawl for the PS3?

    2. Recklez


      Yup, and its really alot of fun :D

  10. Never, ever, drinking anything which contains caffine, I just took notice of how senseless my past status updates were, toooo much ecstatic behaviour.

    1. argonian


      No sodas or coffee again? Seriously?

    2. Stephensj Of House Lym
  11. Before I depart from my household to handle education. Does anyone know of Elena Siegman?

  12. I despise the things what Coca Cola does to you. especially two cans, you can do the most stupid of things.

  13. He who laughs last thinks the slowest. (I'm such an attention seeker.)

  14. Will stated his name is "I'm Awesome". *SERVER CRASH*

  15. DynDyn tells me I will never learn the magix... I must prove him incorrect...

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      DynDyn doesn't know what he's talking aboot.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      We all know what you're talking aboot man.

  16. Hey guys, I'm black.

    1. Guest


      I'm sorry, its really offensive. I don't like these jokes you make.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      I'm offensive and I find these jokes black.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
  17. Oren homeboiz be thinkin' dey be takin' Nelo?! Hell to tha NAW!

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