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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Slic3man

  1. Of couse, they side with each other.. -.-

  2. Whats with all the anger? Go hang with the halflings

  3. * Throws singles into the air

  4. So what people! I am a wizard living in a box.

  5. Usstan inbal zhennu fuma ritze.

  6. Damn peasants.

  7. Hm, seemed I was banned IG again.

  8. Usstan inbal zhennu fuma ritze.

  9. "Of only death can give life, and so is Lornas's sacrifice, an end to an unneeded reign, and I am sadly his successor.. Aemond was not taken to the temple, to be taught the ways of the monks by Sahra. And so Lornas made his sacrifice.. When all his world came crashing down, he held unto his last bit of life. And so he shall, forever, unto the end of days. His bones, shall be a reminder.." - Jaeheayrs

  10. The orcs can't have a cicil war that is Orens job

  11. Looks away from mini app for a few moments, looks back to see 5 replies. :O

  12. Looks away from mini app for a few moments, looks back to see 5 replies. :O

  13. Looks away from mini app for a few moments, looks back to see 5 replies. :O

  14. Looks away from mini app for a few moments, looks back to see 5 replies. :O

  15. Looks away from mini app for a few moments, looks back to see 5 replies. :O

  16. Panda wrote a rap about itty-bitty-tittys based on the girl at camp with them small bittys. She is the true hero here...

  17. Waiting for my application submission to be accepted or denied. Wish me luck :D

  18. New avatar W00T W00T

  19. The Age of Servants and Slaves in Lord of the Craft

  20. I have the over whelming urge to kill everyone. Where's Sims 3 when you need it...

  21. Out in a desert wit a sign that basically says War Uzg Thata way, I am a lone human male in black and grey, wearing a hood......what could possibly go wrong~

  22. Out in a desert wit a sign that basically says War Uzg Thata way, I am a lone human male in black and grey, wearing a hood......what could possibly go wrong~

  23. Yay, new mini-app for insanity, hope I can be able to get it. :D

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