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Status Updates posted by Repiteo

  1. Im refrring to how Mori RP /should/ be, instead of in a clique. I shall discuss this with someone who I know for certain is familiar with Mori to clarify if this is legit, because it feels wholly implausible.

    ...That, and that's not the only reason I denied him, I stated that the idea that he rose up as he did was unrealistic. That fact isn't going to change.

  2. In that case, we could easily arrange something like that. It would give me an excuse to keep my elf card, and I wouldn't have to worry about you trying to stab me constantly.

    ...But mainly, it's the fact I would be RPing a child... I've wanted to RP a kid on LotC for quite some time, and it would be an abdolute honor for me to be your kid.

  3. inb4thousandsofcongratz

  4. Is NOT making a post signifying his 1000 post milestone.

    1. Coaster
    2. Nero


      *is going to edit to say, "OMGOMGOMGOMG 1000 POSTST!!!11!!11!!!!"*

  5. It always amuses me when people "advertise" their villain applications on this update screen.

    1. Austin


      Yeah.. isnt the +1 for people

      you achually roleplayed with. Not randoms

    2. Repiteo


      I deliberately ignore recommendations if they apraise the app alone.

  6. It seems I cannot comment in apps... Well... That's a slight hinderance.

    1. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      I used to comment on apps, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

      I really need to stop doing arrow to knee jokes :P

  7. It seems that for the ACT-Prep I shall have to defend the argument of child labor... Whelp, this will be interesting.

    1. Nero


      Just say you are from Asia.

    2. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Having to find logical holes in a side of the argument you agree with is difficult. Most people look for facts to confirm what they all ready think instead. It's good practice for critical thinking.

    3. Repiteo


      I actually found more good points in the end ironically enough. The trick is throwing morals out the window... Which I do when I write anyway.

  8. Just got accepted as a forum moderator! *successkid.jpg*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antharin
    3. Valer l'Ami de Harken
    4. Nero


      If you have any questions ask me, I was lost after I was promoted to FM o.o

  9. Just noticed you became a GM! Props to you, it's a well deserved title!

  10. Just read your villain app... And I gotta say, it will make an outstanding counterpart for Bhleg. Can't wait to see this shiz take place.

  11. Just where would this need to be restored? ...The guild section Id assume?

  12. Kharajyr right around the corner... How quaint~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Austin


      Freya if your character is based off M'aiq the liar from skyrim i may have to eat that character.

    3. Neri


      M'aiq does not approve.

    4. Dasaro


      I use them for my rugs :P

  13. Kind of a shame how I was five feet in front of you RPly and how our characters were both emoting over the same topic and yet we still have yet to interact ICly once.

    ...That needs to change sometime soon~.

  14. Let's hope that those in out little TS session now know why I am the God of Voices.

    1. Akorta


      Praise the lord!

    2. Vanus
    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      All hail the God of Voices! Now, can you do as good of a Skeletor voice as *dun dun dun* Arik!?!? Myah! Myah!

  15. Lookit who just joined the A-Team~

  16. Love ya' too~

  17. Love you too dad~

    *breaks countless china and nearly kills the family cat*

  18. Make a second account? That sounds doable. Albeit I won't be too fond of losing my post count, reputation and the works (assuming those are irrecoverable of course), that might be the only remaining solution.

  19. Make it the app help channel in TS if you can. I won't be able to talk nor hear due to it being on the iPhone at school, but I'll type out watchu need to know.

  20. Midnight premier viewing for The Avengers? Awwww yeeeeah~

    1. nppeck


      Or you could go to England where its already been out for weeks.

    2. Heero
    3. SparehoeCakes


      My step brother invite me, but I don't feel well enough. Have fun!

  21. Minestatus reset... And our rank right now is 32... THRITY. TWO. That needs to be amended as soon as possible.

  22. Much obliged brah! I am greatly anticipating working with you guys!

  23. Must... Resist... Making... The_Grinch... Account...

  24. My high school in regards to tornados. Tornado watch? Don't give a crap. Tornado warning? Don't give a crap. Tornado emergency? PANIC, PANIC EVERYWHERE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VonEbs


      Look at what happened to Joplin. Tornados are serious ****.

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I just always found crouching under a desk or corner leaving your spinal column exposed to debris was an amusing safety measure.

    4. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      I hate tornados. But I've never seen one. Soo...




  25. My only two complaints about the new forum layout is how Aether VIP is bolded (which I feel should be reserved for priority staff and such) and how you put "GM" instead of "Game Moderator" (seeming we're merged now and how the separation of GMs before didn't hold much a purpose beyond title anyway... And initials feel out of place to me)

    Other then that, astou...

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