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Status Replies posted by Zebanamana

  1. Does anyone else that plays guitar notice that there is a constant cycle of losing your pick- looking for your pick- finding your pick- then losing it 5 minutes later?

  2. I love our disfunctional and lovable family here LoTC :3

  3. Hey I'm confused... whats up with the temp map, has the old one been completely lost? Or will it be reimplemented soon?

  4. Something on the LotC server is making my Minecraft die...

  5. I think the community has made it pretty clear about what they want to happen to Dusk...

  6. I have an idea that may be beneficial. The use of Skype is proliferating at the current history of LotC's server right now. Those who have reason to believe that Dusk should be banned/demoted should collaborate SOLELY through a Skype channel whilst working on a Google Document to type us their concerns WITHOUT using statuses and forum topics; vice versa for those who believe she is 'not liable' I reckon a good way to express it. I withhold my own judgement in this status. Thank You

  7. I have an idea that may be beneficial. The use of Skype is proliferating at the current history of LotC's server right now. Those who have reason to believe that Dusk should be banned/demoted should collaborate SOLELY through a Skype channel whilst working on a Google Document to type us their concerns WITHOUT using statuses and forum topics; vice versa for those who believe she is 'not liable' I reckon a good way to express it. I withhold my own judgement in this status. Thank You

  8. I have an idea that may be beneficial. The use of Skype is proliferating at the current history of LotC's server right now. Those who have reason to believe that Dusk should be banned/demoted should collaborate SOLELY through a Skype channel whilst working on a Google Document to type us their concerns WITHOUT using statuses and forum topics; vice versa for those who believe she is 'not liable' I reckon a good way to express it. I withhold my own judgement in this status. Thank You

  9. So... People are calling Vardak a pedophile? Wtf....

  10. "Paris did nothing wrong! She just drove around while intoxicated! This is so unfair she broke the rules but she is getting the legal punishment for her crime! Let Paris out of prison!"

  11. So... People are calling Vardak a pedophile? Wtf....

  12. So... People are calling Vardak a pedophile? Wtf....

  13. "Paris did nothing wrong! She just drove around while intoxicated! This is so unfair she broke the rules but she is getting the legal punishment for her crime! Let Paris out of prison!"

  14. I didn't know she was ten officer, I swear!

  15. If we're banning users for in-game "pedophilia" or "being perverted towards children" maybe we should start banning them for doing it out of game too.

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the first ruler of the Whispering Isles?

  17. And so the suspense begins.

  18. Hey guys. How do I make a psychopathic character? I'm making an autistic Savant assassin character.

  19. Everblue, I see your drama button and raise you this http://inception.davepedu.com/

  20. Now that I think of it... is there an RP reason as to why everything is pre built when we get to the land of 3.0?

  21. The Mori are gone now, but what of the Kharajyr?

  22. People forget GMs aren't out to get us.

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