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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Lita

  1. [] Erm... no offense, but I have no idea what this is. You speak of requests, applications and such, but no goal, nor meeting place, nor any of the like. You may want to think this through a bit more before trying to recruit.
  2. Ya'know. Running around, doing monk things.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser


      Ya know, just figtin' dragons and then telling you about it

    3. Lita


      One time Angelos! And it wasn't even me.

    4. V0idsoldier
  3. Lita

    I don't think you comprehend the amount of jealousy I have for your forum title.

  4. Dem eyes. :P

  5. I feel popular! Even though it was only 2 people adding all the rep.

    1. Shady


      - hugs - You deserve it.. after what will happen soon ~

  6. Almost 20 Rep~ Thanks everyone, even though the reputation system is, as Auvreaeath called it, 'Derpy'.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lita
    3. Shady


      putting my points in your rep :3

      - huggles - :3

    4. Shady


      Done, make that 32 :3

  7. Lita

    Evelyn! I miss you! Sahra's getting married because you left! :3

  8. Busy day IRL, have to empty out some things from our old house and move it to the new,

  9. Wedding coming~

    1. Lita


      Shalua + Lecha.

    2. DrakeHaze


      Nothing will happen...nothing will happen. Two Kha children getting married, it's kool.

  10. Just hooked up the ethernet with my dad at our new house~ yay!

    1. VonEbs


      Ethernet... what is that? I get da wifi.

  11. Thank god I trained Gwonam, he just saved my alternate character's life.

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      So.. you saved your own character as a different character! Brilliance~

    2. Lita


      Kinda. But sure! :3

  12. Yayayay, Diamond VIP! *Waits for forum promotion with an empty wallet to his side*

    1. Lita


      Moved up to gold. Still waiting. Although I kinda prefer the color.

  13. Please tell me I'm not the only one super excited about the minecraft update coming out? And remember folks, don't update until the server can!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Astraeus


      Ofcourse, I love the new feature for logs, now people can finally make good looking log piles. :)

    3. Bawg


      *Wiggles Sahra's Kitty Ears* :)

    4. Bawg


      *Wiggles Sahra's Kitty Ears* :)

  14. This could be a bit hard to manage, but I would love this kind of thing. The server is all about realism and immersion, and when speaking of magick, there are always going to be those who use it just to make their lives easier. This would also incorperate magick that was 'showy' I'd imagine, sparks and such, the acts that are purely for entertainment. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of this is The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Mops everywhere. This I'd like to see.
  15. Fun time. Camp Dagorhir. Google it.

  16. Yep, I was grandfathered in as a monk healing teacher. But thanks anyway :3 I try to make my magic as universally enjoyable as possible.

  17. Jane Lynch + Glee = Win

  18. Lita

    Hey. Hey you! :3 You didn't send me the uncropped image. Found it anyway. :p

  19. Busy day... got braces IRL, attended my Attunement Ceremony, inducted two new monks, and closed off the monk applications. Woo.

    1. shiftnative


      Nice! Hope those braces aren't too much of a bother ~ ;p

  20. ReWriting my application team app, let's see if I can improve it.

  21. My internets. They fail me.

  22. So... I stay up until 5AM on LotC, then I expect to sleep until noon, as I usually do during the summer... NOPE the maids show up at 11:30. Early to sleep tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slic3man


      You are not to refer to

      her as the m-maid. All you

      need to do is wash the countertop!

    3. Neri


      Sahra! I need to talk to you IC about the Monk Farm :I

    4. Korvic


      Just go to bed at like 8pm and wake up at 2am. All problems solved. You don't leave your friends from like 2am, and yet you're awake for the proper time. And @Freja. Y u so off topic? :P

  23. For anyone who cares: Storm by my house, internet may go out. For everyone else: Go join the monks http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/60711-new-rules-the-wilven-sanctuary-monks/page__p__475550__fromsearch__1#entry475550

    1. Kaiser


      It be raining VERY badly here. Like very badly I know how you feel ;/

    2. Korvic


      I wish it would rain here. My basement is starting to get so dry that we have to water it... =.=

  24. Because of your insane lore post, I have to add you as a friend :p

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