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Status Updates posted by Sweord

  1. -_- I don't know if I should try to get into LoTC again. I never really got into RP (never really had much to do), maybe I should try to make a new character, make it really awesome. (Not in a powergamey way, though)

  2. -_- I don't know if I should try to get into LoTC again. I never really got into RP (never really had much to do), maybe I should try to make a new character, make it really awesome. (Not in a powergamey way, though)

    1. Vermn
    2. Glaran


      If you arent going to imerse yourself in it,its not worth pushing yourself to it.This is for hardcore rp'ers.

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Do what's fun for you. There's a new map coming which will revive much of the role-play, but ultimately, do what you enjoy.

  3. A little part of me dies when I see someone older than me write so poorly.

    1. Lykos


      Age has nothing to do with creativity... Lets have an example: I know a seven year old that writes some bitchin' short stories... I showed my English11 teacher, and she has said that it is better than some of her other students...

    2. Volutional


      ^ Thanks for reminding me about my Homework in English <3

    3. Sweord


      Not just creativity, just basic spelling and grammar.

  4. Dinner, and then time to begin slave work for the Kharajyr. ^^

  5. Downloading ARMA II now. :D Now to wait, lol.

    1. BannanaToYou


      You need Operation Arrowhead too :)

  6. Eh? Why'd my user rating go down to 3 stars? <. not that i really care but haven been active enough to annoy anybody. think.>

    1. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      Thar, now your 4. :3

    2. Sweord


      Hah, thanks. ^^

  7. Found my first gun in DayZ. And it's on the LoTC server. So happy. ^^

  8. Get on LoTC DayZ server, server decides to reject me. :(

  9. Gonna listen to music till it's late enough and people log off.

  10. Guess who just got Google Chrome? So much faster than IE. :L

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sweord


      Eh, I'm probably going to try Firefox next. All I've ever used is IE, and I'd like to see how other browsers do.

    3. Redbaron™


      Chrome is like over 9000 times better then firefox

    4. Redbaron™


      Chrome is like over 9000 times better then firefox

  11. Haaaappy birfday to me. 17 years old. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eledyr


      happy birthday

    3. Yamnothere


      Happy burfday to you, you live in a zoo, you smell like a monkey, Annnd you look like one too, Hip hip, HURRAAAY, Hip hip, Hurraaay

    4. Dash_Rogers


      Good job! Your still alive!

  12. Heh heh. Just got the more player models mod to work on Hawk's Mod Pack. Now if only I can figure out why the shaders mod isn't working...

  13. Heh. Just started snowing a few minutes ago. ^^

    1. Fid


      I'm dreaming of a white...christmas... just like the ones I used to know...

    2. Bethykinss


      Not snowing for me sadly but hopefully it will! And if it snows lots for you remember to make a snow angel! ;)

  14. Hmm, I'm not sure if I should change my character for 2.0 or not....

  15. Hopefully Operation Arrowhead doesn't get screwed up this time. ._.

    1. Space


      Play BOTH games. Remember that. Important.

    2. Myoni


      *drops a 10 megaton bomb on Sweord*

      Take that!

    3. Sweord


      ._. And yes, I got CO.

  16. How can you sit in a computer science class and play LoL? I'm only on other pages at break time, and I can't fathom why you'd waste your (or your parents') money by not paying attention in class. -_-

  17. I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried doing it manually, with Six Launcher, and still can't seem to get connected to any DayZ servers. :(

    1. Ben Turner

      Ben Turner

      Dayz servers are down atm,they're being attacked by some DDoS attack.


    2. Sweord


      Really? Well, IDK what's better. XD That they're down and it might not be my doing, or that they're down and it's still my problem.

  18. I just burnt my finger opening the hood of a car. ._. Freaking 100 degree weather.

  19. I like how when certain songs play at certain times of your life, whenever you listen to them afterword, they remind you of how you felt at that time.

    1. Everman111


      Smells do that too.

  20. I want to play BF3. Too bad I have no one to play with. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweord


      PC. Got it on Xbox as well, and I can't tell which one I'm worse at, lol. But I prefer PC.

    3. Lym


      Shame, PS3 here :P

    4. Sweord


      I just knew that would be the case. :P My luck, right?

  21. I will get this paper done. Then I will finish collecting my last sources. THEN I will build the Kharajyr Upper-class homes. IF IT KILLS ME. Who needs sleep, anyways?

    1. NekoDanie


      You can sleep when your dead... or get knocked into a coma...

    2. Sweord


      That's the spirit! 'Sides, not old enough to need sleep--even if I spent all day lugging boxes around to help someone move. ^^

  22. I'm buying the ARMA II demo to see what the game's like before I decide to buy it or not. ^^

    1. Sweord


      Downloading* My bad, lol.

  23. I'm doing some research on colleges for a project. Higher education, WHY Y SO EXPENSIVE?

  24. I'm glad I wasn't turned into a wandering soul by that bug. They deleted my app along with some other ones when they redid the app section, and I wouldn't know what to do. XD

    1. Dante


      I was scared of that as well

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