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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. -Draws on crappy binder paper, does a decent job actually... Draws on super expensive white drawing paper, fails horribally.- Darn you art! Darn you art, and your PAPER PLOYS! ;m;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      paper ploys, the worst kind of ploy

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      The rough the paper, the better the drawings seem to be ^ ^

      Panda loves to hear more people drawing...

    4. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      pffffffft drawings.

      i only draw on swaqq neon yellow paper bru u jelly i think u jelly.

      NAH. It looked good on binder paper. :l just use that. be cool. not mainstream.

  2. I see that fancy Forum Moderator Title, Dante.

    Don't think you can HIDE FROM ME!



  3. I have gone through my crates of back up cats, looked through all the drawers, for any official documents of cats, I've even looked under my sofa for any last bits of cat! None remain. I am at the border of insanity, I have been seeing nothing but cat for the last few days, I don't think I have enough time to live. My food has been replaced by cats, and I am unable to eat it, my water, has also been replaced by cats. I can't go outside, for the fear of getting lost, because e...

    1. CowsGoMoo


      -everything is cat.

    2. The Womping Wizard
    3. Dyn


      Before long your text wil ba turnin tu cats cats cats cats cats cats cats

  4. My supply of cats are running thin. I may have to eat cat food, in an attempt to survive my cat malnutrition.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phibbup


      Inb4Dom realizes what he means by "collection"

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Realized that days ago, Philip.

      I still want it, BECAUSE of what he means by "collection".


    4. danic


      I'm so proud.

  5. I have not met my daily dose of cat consumption today. This is a serious threat to my health.

    1. Eleatic
    2. Fuzzy4ev3r


      Hurry, find Lecha! He will save you!

  6. 777 posts. Do I win a lottery?

  7. Forgive me cats, for I have forgotten your feeding time.

  8. Team Jacob is better. You only like Edward cause he SPARKLES.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      We shall band together, and we shall DEFEAT both team EDWARD and BELLA!


    3. misssasy11


      How can you deny the

      Jacob abs?

    4. danic


      Jacob IS pretty hot...

  9. Oooh!~ Just found an amazing piano composer, by the name of Ludovico Einaudi. Uwaaaaaaah~

  10. Just peed my pants, as a roaring car drove by. It sounded like an angry monster, roaring as it storms down the street. -shivers-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      Zane and I sang "Call me maybe" in a status today. So. Off topic comment weee

    3. Cynthia~


      I live on top of a hill with old people everywhere. No loud cars :D

    4. Korvic


      -Looks at your fluttershy avatar- I can see that...

  11. Silly people, and their lack of cats. When will they understand that cats are the most absolutely amazing thing in the world? omo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fuzzy4ev3r


      You don't like this guy? //\;;/\\ lol But yes cats are awesome!

    3. CowsGoMoo


      ____ <- The spider after I smashed it with my foot, screaming like crazy, and sobbing hysterically.

    4. misssasy11


      I feel the same way about those spiders.

  12. This year will be different. This year, I will improve myself. I tell this to myself every year, yet... It never is. Every year is the same, and every year, I continue to make the same mistakes. Hopefully, this year will be different....

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Good luck, man. :D

    2. danic


      It probably won't be, me speaking realistically of course.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      And that's why I'm going to give it my best shot this year!

  13. ( ̄ _ゝ ̄) しまった

  14. -Mom yells at me to go get ready for Dinner.- . . . -She ends up talking on the phone for thirty minutes after I get off the computer.-

    1. danic


      I never got to say good night. I sad.

  15. . . . What's Guild Wars 2? .m.;;

  16. Huh, apparently I live in Alaska's Time Zone. Is there something wrong with the Time Zones currently on the forums?

    1. ThanksChris


      I think so. It's about an hour ahead for me. :P No clue why.

  17. あるこう!あるこう! わたしはげんき~ あるこうのだいすき どんどんゆこう。~Totoro WALKING SONG

  18. -Does homework, while stalking status updates. Gets one problem done every five minutes-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      Danic, maybe we should get a new way to communicate? Perhaps Skype is an option, it would be nice, so I don't need to log into Skype every time I want to chat.

    3. danic


      Skype is eviiilll It wants my soouuul

    4. CowsGoMoo



      Any other suggestions?

  19. " PlAgIaRiSm is BAD mmmkay? - Philip, 2012. Totally not stolen."- Domelvia

  20. So much homework. I just don't want to do any, but... Cod Hammit. Another long homework day, here I come!

    1. Phibbup
    2. Austin


      Cod damnit.. you playin Cawll uf Dewtie

  21. Tomorrow is Thursday, Friday comes after... and then... FREE/DOM/. Weekend, here I coooome!

  22. W-What?

    When did this happen?!

    Ar Ar, you're an FM now?

    Ahh, geez! おめでとう!

  23. Every time my mother goes to by groceries, it's as if we're preparing for the zombie apocalypse Fifty gigantic bags of food, all filled, and barely able to fit into the trunk of our small Camery. .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      First World Miracles*.

      If a zombie apocalypse DOES happen, we'll see who's laughing now! HAH!

    3. Enthreri


      I am so posting that on their forums XD

    4. blindmind


      That's the best way to get groceries! Now that I live on my own, I can totally appreciate why moms stock for world war III

  24. -Plays inspiring music, while BSing Algebra 2 homework- I got this.

    1. Fid


      Not the easiest thing to BS... I usually do Philosophy or English.

  25. Ah, sorry.

    Just got a lot of shrimp going on, lost my cool for a bit.


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