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big narstie

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Status Replies posted by big narstie

  1. Where is my 1000 minas Talf? :P

  2. Where is my 1000 minas Talf? :P

  3. [13:10:51] Dralex_Silvertalon (dandan1350): I'm not a meanie. [13:11:04] Yayfunfunfun_6: YES YOU ARE! [13:11:27] Dralex_Silvertalon (dandan1350): I'm not :3

  4. [13:10:51] Dralex_Silvertalon (dandan1350): I'm not a meanie. [13:11:04] Yayfunfunfun_6: YES YOU ARE! [13:11:27] Dralex_Silvertalon (dandan1350): I'm not :3

  5. OMG my hair is actually growing again,!!!

  6. What the heck's a Hiebenthal?

  7. Is GW2 as good as GW1?

  8. Is GW2 as good as GW1?

  9. Is GW2 as good as GW1?

  10. I didn't make a 1 year post, I'm so indie.

  11. Chucka deliver us from these DDOS times.

  12. Do you even RIFF?

  13. Hate them slimes? Tired of them killing you? Speak your peace: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71269-them-slimes/

  14. [20:32:53] Availer: FTL is good btw [20:32:57] Benboboy: YES.[20:33:05] Benboboy: Availer you are now my hero.

  15. Mizu threatened to jump me.

  16. Cen I haz loct vet pl0x?

  17. Cen I haz loct vet pl0x?

  18. Cen I haz loct vet pl0x?

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