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big narstie

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Status Replies posted by big narstie

  1. ermahgerd, bravepaw, read mahr messarges

  2. ermahgerd, bravepaw, read mahr messarges

  3. I think Scooby Doo found the slasher.

  4. The Furries think they can scare me. I'l feed them their own tails, scum.

  5. "Eschy has a fanboy."

  6. Your character: Comment below with one word longer than 9 letters... your character's personality.

  7. Your character: Comment below with one word longer than 9 letters... your character's personality.

  8. ur mum is the slasher lol burn

  9. 527 in queue...

  10. 527 in queue...

  11. Chucklars > All other houses

  12. OK, so some haters have been saying I didn't snort a line.

  13. I am a stegosaurus

  14. Mommy, am I cool yet?

  15. Does it concern anyone that Shift has turned his title to Lead Dev and that Vaq hasn't been on the forums for over a week?

  16. Monkey's Row the Third

  17. Taaakeee onnnnn meeeeee

  18. On the forums, Using my PS3. Whilst in my, BED!

  19. On the forums, Using my PS3. Whilst in my, BED!

  20. #Duskaskedmeout2012

  21. #Duskaskedmeout2012

  22. Somebody...ruined my secret, and it's no longer a secret anymore...how could they Q_Q

  23. Somebody...ruined my secret, and it's no longer a secret anymore...how could they Q_Q

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