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Trian Frostbeard

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Trian Frostbeard

  1. Making a new character, what race should i be except hafling

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. legoman144
    3. blindmind


      Stunty or Greenskin

    4. Trian Frostbeard

      Trian Frostbeard

      Lol dwarf it is, orc has that silly language that i do not understand.

  2. Dwarf character it is, any tips, like join a clan???

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CTap


      33 people... oh ****!

    3. Gorum©
    4. Trian Frostbeard

      Trian Frostbeard

      Gorum i know, im just trying to message someone seeing if i could be there son.

  3. woot about to drive to london for opening ceromony, should be fun.

    1. Wizard


      Wish I could. Have a good time

    2. gingernut97


      My friend got invited to the preview and says its really cool :D

    3. ek_knight


      Jealously alert. You are so lucky.

  4. Whats actually happening with the server, i thought it would be a bug, but its never down that long.

    1. Goblin


      It was down yesterday too,

      Some plugin crashes i guess.

    2. Space


      All of MC is down for North America I believe.

  5. Been over 2 days and my donation perk hasnt gone through why???

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      You need to PM an Admin about it I think.

    2. Aiden


      Indeed, you must PM an admin

  6. Can a gm make me iron vip please, i donated a while ago and it still hasnt been sorted, my ign is xsnakev

  7. Anyone know why i cant set soulstones since it says i have to many set when i have non set???

    1. Ever


      They're bugged for everyone right now.

    2. Trian Frostbeard
  8. Anyone k ow how to upgrade from iron to gold VIP as in iron at the minute but I can't find the upgrade area

    1. nobody


      All you have to do is pay for Iron again, since the donations are cumulative, Iron + Iron = Gold!

    2. cmack1028


      I'd speak with a GM beforehand, maybe in modreq. I was helped move from coal to iron by buying a grass and coal VIP and I needed the GM's help for it to go through.

  9. seventis and its allies will crush the mere peasants who define our great lord renati, they thought they will crush seventis but they were wrong. Bromer laughs at the rebel like men.

    1. Skippy


      But I keeled you

  10. Heading to london veledrome to watch team GB kick some ass at cycling.

  11. Anyone know how long it takes for donation perk to go through i donated for iron vip???

    1. blindmind


      I think I waited about a day, but it was a while ago and I can't really remember. It'll happen, in time.

  12. Thinking if i should make a new elf char or human. hmmm

    1. Telanir


      Hmm... Make a human peasant. :3

  13. hmm think its time for me to come back to the server

  14. England vs France on monday, come on England.

  15. never been a peasant hmm interesting.

  16. Can any gm make me iron vip i donated to it a while ago and still havnt got iron vip yet :(

  17. Hmm now i need a mod pack with atleast reis minimap optifine and Mpm in for 1.5 hmm

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