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Everything posted by Heero

  1. It's MR. Gif man, gotta be 10/10. ^
  2. Well, the first "Holy Draguric Crusade" was a horrible floop do to the massive amount of idiots who felt like doing the immpossible and just blindlessly charged at a dragon when we were supposed to be the only dragon slaying squad... >.>

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity


    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity


  3. Hiebe, you still need to send me one of the Archmages man! DX

  4. Great event idea Auv, but like Hiebe said, I DEMAND MORE PRIZED GOODS!
  5. Heero

    Holm Mysteries

    [Those pictures, is that HeeroDoku I see?! ;D]
  6. Well, after hours of painful and sleepless work, I finally finished my masterpiece, HeeroDoku!

  7. MC NAME: HeeroZero RP NAME: Deke Valentine GENDER: Male JOB/STATS: Student CITIZENSHIP (Over or Under):Overholm SMALL DESCRIPTION: Deke stands at roughly 6’ 5” (195cm) and weighs close to 180 lbs (82kg), Deke's most distinguishing features are his long, vibrant red hair and a Phantom of the Opera-esque mask on the right side of his face. On his sleeves, warm, golden chains can be seen, dangling from the cuffs of his jacket. He always carries his gladius on a holster on his leg.
  8. And it's finally here! My shaman character story is finished! Time to being the fire-dancing rituals!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      *Gets voodoo stick


    3. Austin


      If you're playing an orc shaman i'd suggest reconsidering or reading shaman lore. No voodoo sticks

    4. Heero


      Austin, already aware of the shaman lore, not going to be shooting fireballs or any **** like that. Promise. ^^

  9. Sexy web-designer is sexy.

  10. A red hawk lands near ______(Insert your character name here), perking on a nearby stone with a letter attached to it's left leg. The note reads, "I heard word of the staff you found in a lake. I would like to make an exchange with you for it. I believe a crystal shard would be appropriate for such a trade. ~D. Valentine"

  11. (For some reason the forum message system was down or something along those lines, I'll just post the PM down here. )

  12. P.S. Get one Skype, I have a surprise for you. ;)

  13. Lol. I was the one that told Sawses about it, then he told everyone else. I would have said something, but I didn't want to take an amazing player like you away from Mesalia.

  14. [Remember to add Drayen as a Guardian. As well as make a section for those who are banned/shunned from the Guild.]
  15. Yes! Alchemist is going to be my next character for sure now! =)
  16. I think 'The Iron Beast, Drog'Bahr' is more fitting for Archy's character in my opinion. ^^
  17. [[Yea man. I hate having to stay up till 3am just for you. ;_;]]
  18. Lorethos, I believe it would be more appropriate for Marshalls to be able to recommend new Guardians and Charities to both you or the Seraph.
  19. Naww. It just hit me, the ice infront of the Mori's cave melted. No more iceskating infront of their gate. ;_;

  20. [[Naww. Happy, you nerf'd the Marshalls! How could you. ;_;]]
  21. Oh spiders, why won't you just give it a break and piss off for a while?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      * turns green and muscular.

    3. Lykos


      *boops weeberlore on the nose, then vanishes

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      * gets extremely sad, and cries.

  22. A note is hung by the gate to Agies Keep; "The dwarves are holding another tournament once again. This time it is simply for sport. All races are allowed along with the use of teams as well. Please contact myself if you wish to learn more or to join me in the torunament. ~Marshall D. Valentine."
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