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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Bawd

  1. I love not finishing status upda

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VonAulus
    3. Lykos


      Lobster Charlie went for a swim, then he screeched because he remembered that he hadn't fed his neopet in ov

    4. Raptorious


      Thats funny because you said you love not finjishing statuses and then you dindt finish your status. I get it!!!11!!

  2. Found old GBASP. Nostalgia.

  3. To do my History essay in a google doc so everyone can watch, or not to do my History essay in a google doc so everyone can watch?

    1. Agnub


      To stop procrastinating by asking and just write the damn thing.

  4. In Spanish, 'constipado' means 'cold'.

    1. Watyll


      No, it's frio silly.

    2. Watyll


      No, it's frio silly.

    3. Bawd


      Both frío and constipado mean cold, noob.

  5. I kind of want to write lore on something. I don't know what, though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Watyll
    3. Bawd


      Minotaurs actually sound like a really good idea . . . or . . . -Keeps a secret idea of awesomeness-

    4. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
  6. WorldPainter update. Probably does nothing notable. I'll download it anyway.

    1. Rom


      Aye, getting the newest version is always a good idea.

  7. 010000110110000101110000011100000111100100100000011010010111001100100000011000100111010101101100011011000111100101101001011011100110011100100000011011010110010100101110

    1. gingernut97


      *zaps back in time* Hey Fry, buddy! Its me, Bender! *shoots Reman*

    2. Cappy


      Just because you didn't know how binary worked...

    3. Beneh


      LET DIRS=11111111%

      All I remember from Secondary School Programming , hehe

  8. So, do VA-holders from October write a mini-VA to update it, or what?

    1. Raptorious


      Yeah. Just with the new evils. Dont have to do the other questions.

  9. You're a Tavari.

  10. Anyone recommend any Morrowind and/or Skyrim mods?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      Build your own home/ and Exploding Chickens.

    3. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
    4. Eleatic


      Morroiwnd/Skyrim? Why not Morroblivion. :3

  11. Danny has 5,999 posts.

  12. I'd say I wasn't pissed off about the VA purge, but my parents raised me to not lie.

  13. Does anyone else's MC client crash upon trying to join the server?

  14. Remmy misses Rio.

  15. My new signature rocks.

  16. mooooonkeh, wud am babbeh's name?

  17. I became addicted to old LoZ games.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Bisch please, Ocarina of Time.

    3. Eleatic




      MASK :3

    4. The 5'th Friar~

      The 5'th Friar~

      Ocarina of Time, for sure. It starts off with some elf guy looking like he's humping a rock. P.S. I bought an Ocarina online with the TriForce on it. >.<

  18. I'm a unicorn.

  19. I suck at Zelda games.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. MonkeyCoffee


      Same as in, never played them :c

    4. MrSyth


      I have officially lost all faith in you, Monkey.

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