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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Bawd

  1. Spamming Danny with pictures of money, trying to trick his Scottish mind into bribery.

  2. Character idea: Paranoid doomsayer. Yes or no?

  3. Here's to not being apocalypsed.

  4. Bod Claw Nicknames: Bawd, Bod Age: Unknown, he stopped counting around thirty. Probably somewhere around 35. Gender: Male. Race: Goblin Status: Alive Description Height: Around 3'6", being a midget. Weight: ~200lbs Body Type: Really, really, really short and fat. Eyes: Almost black. Hair: Non-existant. Skin: Yellow-green. Markings/Tattoos: None. Health: Mentally disabled. Personality: Somewhat over-trusting, attempts to be promiscuous but is far too ugly to attract any women. Usually happy, and frightened easily. Likes to hug, and try to become un-whitewash, but is far too soft for the War Uzg. Inventory: Literally anything that he finds and can fit in the sack he wears as clothing. Most often apples, pieces of string, occasionally bread or sticks. Further Details: Enjoys long walks on the beach and punching his brothers 'playfully'. Life Style Alignment*: Chaotic Good Deity*: Krug Religion: Bod doesn't know the meaning of the word. Alliance/Nation/Home Wherever other Claws may go. Job/Class: Innkeep. Title(s): None. Profession(s): Selling food and booze. Special Skill(s): None, whatsoever. Can jiggle his arm fat, though. Flaw(s): Fat, mentally disabled, over-trusting, somewhat manic. Magic* Current Status: Thinks magic is pretty lights made by old people. Arch-type: N/A Sub-Type: N/A Rank: N/A Weakness(es): N/A Strength(s): N/A Current Spell(s): N/A Weaponry Fighting Style: Hand-to-hand, unarmed. Preferred Weapon: His fists. Favored Weapon: Sometimes uses a club, or a piece of wood. Very rarely, spare food. Archery: Can hit accurately, only up to 15 metres off target. When the wind isn't blowing. At point blanc range. Biography Parents: Popo Claw, Momo Claw Siblings: Jingeh, Jangle, Keggi, Mingle, Tangle, Tiny, others. Children: None. Extended Family: Lex'Lur, who he dubbed an honorary Claw for little to no reason. Pet(s): Once owned a dog named Doggeh. Doggeh ran away. History Bod grew up in Claw Manor, living a life of semi-luxury, as he had so many brothers that they needed little outside contact. Then Roseus changed ownership, they tore down his home, he had a minor emotional breakdown, became a hobo, managed to find some supplies, built a house/inn, got some money, reunited with his brothers and just as his inn looked set to make some money everyone left for a new land. Artwork Credit to Darkjames.
  5. y u no reply to my message

  6. Ordered my new gaming PC.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aron.


      What did you order it to do?

    3. Aryon


      Aron, he ordered the gaming PC to make music.

    4. Bawd


      Pretty decent specs, for a £545 rig.

  7. I tried getting EQ1, but Steam derped it up D:

  8. Why haven't I spoken to you recently? ;-;

  9. Getting EQII.

    1. shiftnative


      don't do itttt! it's nothing like EQ1 ! ;p

  10. Just had my first win in DotA 2 :D

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Good good, let the win flow through you.

    2. craotor



  11. Vi sitter här in Ventre och spelar lite DotA.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      My thoughts exactly.

  12. Nice necro ._. A good guide, all players should read this. Details how to avoid powergaming subconsciously - something that happens frequently, i.e. the will to keep your character alive through something - by detaching yourself from your character.
  13. Will, your avatar is Rio's member title, without the 'master' at the end.

  14. Giving ~1/3 of my RAM to MC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      It gonna go fast.

    3. Zebanamana


      Minecraft could take 90% of the RAM and it STILL wouldn't be enough since it isn't coded well.

    4. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      ^I allocate 8 and it works with almost no lag :P Best coding evah!

  15. I like it. Seafaring roleplay, travelling roleplay, cartography lore, all the little things that make the big things less ridiculous.
  16. -Giggles- People are +1ing the Remove Reputation post.

    1. Lym


      Oh, the irony!

  17. I'm level 2 on Planet Minecraft :3

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