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Status Updates posted by Kiiztria

  1. It's been nice working amongst a team of such great people, but it has come my time I resign and join the playerbase once more. It was nice while it lasted. I thank everyone on the team for providing such a great opportunity.

  2. Hello again everyone. If you are interested in the Tutorial Island Project, please add me on skype, Frottimer. Thanks again!

  3. Hello Hello! Everyone who was interested in the Tutorial Island Project, please add me on skype (Frottimer) and if you already have me added, shoot me a message! Thanks again!

  4. Another friendly reminder: Please everyone, report your GM applications. I did a mass denial to see who was still interest.

    1. Dizzy771


      Repost, not report!

    2. Kiiztria


      Thank you Dizzy, yes repost it.

  5. Hello Everyone, just bringing a minor update. I went through and denied all GM applications just to gauge who is still interested in joining the team. If that is the case, please reapply. Thanks and have a nice day!

  6. Your Questions, Our Answers! Hello fellow forum goers, I come to you bringing news of a GM/Admin Q&A. This session will take place come 6 PM EST. I hope you all can attend! Tell your friends and have a nice day everyone!

    1. Kiiztria


      The Q@A will be held on the LotC ts. The ip is: ts.lotc.co

  7. Steam doesn't want to take my money... Is it a blessing or a disaster?

  8. Yes, we are aware of what just happened, Kowaman will be fixing now.

  9. I too feel weird

  10. Welcome new ET and GMs!

  11. GG College GG.... Missed both classes today lol

    1. Sefardi


      Get it together! Jk, Uni sucks.

    2. Readicti


      D'aww the skipping already?

    3. Navin_



  12. Congratz to the new GMs!

    1. Tsuyose


      Thank you : >

  13. Server crashed because Zarsies is Liri in disguise.

  14. Remember ladies and gentlemen, voting now gives minas!

  15. The server is back up and running.

  16. Any kind of status updates about discovered recipes will be banned for metagaming. This is your warning.

  17. Something tells me the community wants mpm back.

  18. How to make a power point without teaching anything.

  19. Thank you Kitten for the new avatar to go with my member title! :D

  20. Oh my miss apple pie

    1. Neri


      You just reminded me of applepie.txt

  21. I'd just like to thank Jade for the new picture :)

    1. gam


      r u a woman now

    2. MamaBearJade


      you're welcome ^_^

  22. Grumble grumble grumble

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